Saudis and Iran prepare to do battle over corpse of Iraq


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The gulf's two military powers, Sunni-Muslim Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran, are lining up behind their warring religious brethren in Iraq in a potentially explosive showdown, as expectations grow in both countries that America is preparing a pull-out of its troops.

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The gulf's two military powers, Sunni-Muslim Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran, are lining up behind their warring religious brethren in Iraq in a potentially explosive showdown, as expectations grow in both countries that America is preparing a pull-out of its troops.

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maybe they will eliminate each other not costing us a dime...or more soldiers cool would that be?
Actually food will become more valuable than oil if a pandemic does not kill off a lot of the worlds population first. a quart of 15W40 does nothing at all to quell my hunger.
Actually food will become more valuable than oil if a pandemic does not kill off a lot of the worlds population first. a quart of 15W40 does nothing at all to quell my hunger.

Water will be more important than oil. We're approaching a crisis situation here in W. Tx, and this is expected to spread. Overpopulation, pollution, and lack of conservation measures, including poor irrigation techniques, are major contributors.
Must agree...

Water will be more important than oil. We're approaching a crisis situation here in W. Tx, and this is expected to spread. Overpopulation, pollution, and lack of conservation measures, including poor irrigation techniques, are major contributors.

Nevada is having the same problem...Lake Mead is really down...and Northern Nevada is having problems with water issues as well... both are blamed on fast growth... Californians bailing out of their failed state and bringing their problems with them...A friend of mine who is our County District Attorney was a former State Attorney Generals office deputy...He worked on the states water issues and says the same thing!
Water will be more important than oil. We're approaching a crisis situation here in W. Tx, and this is expected to spread. Overpopulation, pollution, and lack of conservation measures, including poor irrigation techniques, are major contributors.
Yeah, I forget the name of that huge aquifer in north and West ? TX, but I think I heard it was becoming some what dried out and polluted.
Yeah, I forget the name of that huge aquifer in north and West ? TX, but I think I heard it was becoming some what dried out and polluted.

The Ogallala Aquifer. The biggest problem is that it's being depleted and is not replenished by rainfall. nobody knows how the water got in there in the first place, and when it's used (something like 85% by agriculture) it evaporates and is blown off elsewhere. For the first time in the 13 years we've been here, our well went nasty this summer. Nobody was sure why that happened, but apparently it's occurring more and more frequently in the area. Scary.
The Ogallala Aquifer. The biggest problem is that it's being depleted and is not replenished by rainfall. nobody knows how the water got in there in the first place, and when it's used (something like 85% by agriculture) it evaporates and is blown off elsewhere. For the first time in the 13 years we've been here, our well went nasty this summer. Nobody was sure why that happened, but apparently it's occurring more and more frequently in the area. Scary.
Similar problems crop up -- so to speak -- in many naturally desert areas converted to agriculture by excessive irrigation. We're facing the like in the southern half of California's central valley too.
The Tampa Bay area has been on water restrictions for over 10 years....
a problem of too many people, not a problem of too little water.