Saw Obamas maternal grandma in Kenya on Link TV last night.


Villified User
Pretty darn interesting, And I will say that no other candidates grandma is as poor and has as modest of a house or works harder than that old lady.
I think I saw that some time ago , they talked to his uncle also.

They seemed like very decent hard working people.
I like to watch nooz not filtered by the "liberal" media in the USA.
I learned that long ago from listening to shortwave broadcasts.
That would have to be his paternal grandmother, right? Unless she was white. His mother was a white lady. It was his father that was from Kenya.
Well hell...........

That would have to be his paternal grandmother, right? Unless she was white. His mother was a white lady. It was his father that was from Kenya.

What is all the rucus all about...wanting a black president...he is only half...kinda sorta like Clinton and JFK...go figure..........yesterdays news...he is a little late.........:cof1:
Yeah, I'm really dumb enough to throw that one around... I just think its funny some people do it. Clearly when I abbreviate the other initials I'm just having fun...