Say Goodnight Denny: "Goodnight Denny"! It's Been Good To Know Ya!


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Are the Democats capable of taking over both Houses of Congress? It appears more and more likely with each passing day. Now let me ask myself a follow-up. Will it matter? I don't think so, I think that the Democrats will be like a cat who has been contained in the house for years and finally eludes its owner and gets out on the porch only to be so frightened by the outdoors that it stands paralyzed afraid to make another move. In short, I have seen nothing that demonstrates that a Demo takeover will give any of us who so deperately want it, any satisfaction at all.

October 15, 2006
Recent Rating Changes Point to a November ‘Nightmare’ for GOP
By Bob Benenson

In October 1994, Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report alerted its readers to the increasing possibility of a Republican takeover of Congress. Using the traditional symbols of the Democratic and Republican parties, the cover illustration was a cartoon of a donkey having a nightmare of elephants storming up the steps of the Capitol.

A dozen years later, it would be the elephant sleeping fitfully. And the dream keeping it awake could be titled “Nightmare on First Street II — The Donkey Stampede.”

The trend against the GOP is illustrated in changes that made to its ratings last week (Oct. 9-13). Congressional Quarterly’s free elections Web site altered its forecasts on one Senate race and 17 House races — and in all but one case, the analysis showed the Democratic candidate gaining ground over his or her Republican opponent. (view CQ Weekly's election forecast chart)

The momentum continues to clearly be on the Democrats’ side: The job approval ratings for President Bush’s Republican administration and the Republican-controlled Congress have plummeted deep into the danger zone.

The administration’s handling of the war in Iraq is now opposed by a sizable majority of voters responding to polls; those polls show Democrats with big leads on their ability to address nearly all major issues; and the scandal over the House Republican leadership’s actions in the scandal involving resigned Florida GOP Rep. Mark Foley has blunted efforts by Bush and his party’s candidates to make their case for continued Republican control.

With that said, Democratic takeovers of the House or/and the Senate are still far from certain a little more than three weeks before the Nov. 7 vote. The lushly funded Republican campaign organizations are pumping millions of dollars into states and districts to defend their endangered seats, and the potent voter turnout machine the Republicans utilized in the 2000, 2002 and 2004 elections remains a critical factor until proven otherwise.

But CQ’s overall ratings suggest that the Republicans’ hold on both chambers is far more tenuous than it has been for years.

In the Senate, Republicans would hold 49 seats to the Democrats’ 46 if all of the races rates as leaning, favored or safe for those parties are added together. Four additional Republican seats are in No Clear Favorite, or tossup, races, to one Democratic seat.

In the House, the Republicans’ projected advantage, which heading into October still exceeded the majority point of 218 seats, has shrunk to 209 — just one seat more than the 208 projected to the Democrats. And all of the 18 seats currently rated as No Clear Favorite are currently held by Republicans.

Full Biased Story
yeah but we still habe a couple more years fo Bush to convince people to vote demoncratic. NOV is only the beginning of the end.
What were ya doin'?

A bit of hiking, lots of eating, spent a night in a nice hotel, went to the Knife store. Was either over in the smokies or downtown Gatlinberg. Avoided "the strip".

Just a whole lot of nuthing really and enjoying the heck out of it. First weekend off in a looooong time.