APP - sb county deferred maintenance now up to $300,000,000 how much is yours

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
yep, we just cannot maintain our infrastructure - a nationwide problem that is looming over us - it is coming at us like a mile wide steamroller and when it gets here times will really get tough

Santa Barbara County’s 4th District Supervisor, Peter Adam, will ask the board on Tuesday during its regularly scheduled meeting to make the “$300 million backlog in maintenance of roads, county buildings and parks a priority” in the coming fiscal year.
Adam has added the request to the board’s agenda for discussion, and is seeking support for having staff return with a plan to pay down the deferred maintenance liability in equal annual installments over the next 15 years beginning in 2013-14, which begins July 1.
“It’s about getting to the mission of county government,” Adam said in a statement. “We have an investment in these assets (roads, buildings and parks) and we cannot sit back and ignore them as they fall into a state of disrepair.
“In the private-sector, if there is a problem, you set up a plan and address it. In county government, it’s ‘report and file’ and pass the problem on to the next generation.”
The agenda item directs staff to propose service level reductions to handle the necessary reallocation of county funds, a task that fits in with coming budget hearings in June as the county seeks to close a $10.8 million budget shortfall.
Departmental staff estimates deferred maintenance of roads, handled by the Public Works Department, at $250 million, buildings (General Services) at $34 million and parks (Community Services) at $22 million.
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