Scammed by Hackers posing as Amazon


Verified User
I received an e-mail from on a website bearing the Amazon logos stating they had shipped a cellphone at my request to a Florida location which I DID NOT DO for a cell phone at a price of about $749.00. Contacting them at 800 683 6847 they told me to correct the matter they had to take over my computer to get a charge on my bank and then remove it by a credit.

When they did they made a "mistake” giving me a credit or $1,000.00 more than was originally charged and wanted me to immediately get a gift card to correct the matter which I couldn't do as I was being picked up in about 30 minutes or less to go to bank and get groceries and driver was not allowed to go anywhere else.

Called bank and they told me to come right on in as they had to cancel all my banking accounts and issue new ones to stop any further withdrawals. I also had to rescan my computer for any viruses they could have put on it Fortunately they were able to catch it but now I have to buy brand new checkbook at a cost of over $20.00 and notify all my pay on line creditors and get new credit cards They called again and I told them off real good.

Never let any individual take control of your computer to help correct a mistake they have made.
Computers are the biggest rat bastards ever invented. My advice is if you don't know that e-mail address it is the most evil toxic thing you've ever seen. Time to destroy it, curse it with your worst, and commit it to the briny deep ASAP.

Always look carefully at the e-mail address.

Now, for phone telemarketers, if you want to have fun make a copy of this and use it. The people in the Netherlands actually want you to send them the results too!