Schadenfreude Is Nothing New To Democrats


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schadenfreude (noun)

Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.

The entire Parasite Class praying for Trump’s death is SOP for Democrats:

Remember the pleasure Democrats got from Ronald Reagan’s Alzheimer’s disease after he left office? On the other hand, media mouths tell us that Senile Joe Biden deserves our respect and compassion. Speaking for myself, I have been enjoying every step of Biden’s slide into catatonia:

Turnabout is fair play. So I have no qualms wishing that China Joe Biden’s empty head lives a long time in his comatose body. I take great pleasure in imagining the indignities cruel nurses will inflict on Biden’s body throughout the years they are paid tax dollars to ‘care for him. ’
schadenfreude (noun)

Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.

The entire Parasite Class praying for Trump’s death is SOP for Democrats:

Remember the pleasure Democrats got from Ronald Reagan’s Alzheimer’s disease after he left office? On the other hand, media mouths tell us that Senile Joe Biden deserves our respect and compassion. Speaking for myself, I have been enjoying every step of Biden’s slide into catatonia:

Turnabout is fair play. So I have no qualms wishing that China Joe Biden’s empty head lives a long time in his comatose body. I take great pleasure in imagining the indignities cruel nurses will inflict on Biden’s body throughout the years they are paid tax dollars to ‘care for him. ’

schadenfreude (noun)

Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.

The entire Parasite Class praying for Trump’s death is SOP for Democrats:

Remember the pleasure Democrats got from Ronald Reagan’s Alzheimer’s disease after he left office? On the other hand, media mouths tell us that Senile Joe Biden deserves our respect and compassion. Speaking for myself, I have been enjoying every step of Biden’s slide into catatonia:

Turnabout is fair play. So I have no qualms wishing that China Joe Biden’s empty head lives a long time in his comatose body. I take great pleasure in imagining the indignities cruel nurses will inflict on Biden’s body throughout the years they are paid tax dollars to ‘care for him. ’

How many times did we hear your fellow scumbags on the right hoping RBG would hurry up and die?


:fu: :321: