Schiff Ain’t Singing In The Rain


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Let me begin this thread with a song:

If it rains any harder on Pencil Neck the entire Democrat Party will become waterlogged:


Gaetz filed an official complaint with the House Ethics Committee against Rep. Adam Schiff, the California Democrat who chairs the House Intelligence Committee and has been running depositions of witnesses in the impeachment effort behind closed doors.

"I respectfully write to request the House Committee on Ethics open an investigation into rules broken, and false statements by Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-28), Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence," Gaetz wrote.

Schiff hit with official ethics complaint, allegations of 'rules broken' and 'false statements'
By Joe Saunders
The Western Journal
Published October 30, 2019 at 5:38pm

Television mouths are milking Schiff’s impeachment joke 24-7. I have never seen a sillier conspiracy than Democrats and their television mouthpieces talking about impeaching President Trump for a crime he never committed.

Note that there was no social media when television saved Bill Clinton, while Libs on today’s social media are trying to bury Trump. Happily, Trump is getting some support on social media. Put it this way, if a guilty Bill Clinton was exposed on social media he would have been strung up. Conversely, Trump is getting positive support despite opposition from Big Tech.

The major difference in the Left’s attack’s on Trump is that Schiff does not have a REPUBLICAN Trent Lott rigging the trial.

The media deserves the blame for creating the Clintons, but if you are looking for one individual to blame for Clinton getting off easy go no further then-Senator Trent Lott.

Lott also sold out House Republicans during last year’s trial of President Clinton. “You’re not going to dump this garbage on us,” Lott told GOP impeachment managers, House Judiciary investigative counsel David Schippers reports. Lott gave Democrats everything they wanted: a brief inquiry with no live witnesses and boxes of evidence kept secret. How bipartisan.

Fire Trent Lott
By Deroy Murdock
November 24, 2000 4:35 PM
By Deroy Murdock November 24, 2000 11:35 AM

Trent Lott did not want the House dumping garbage on the Senate, but he had no qualms about the Clintons dumping their garbage on the American people.

Clinton was not going to be removed because a two-thirds majority was needed to convict. The Senate was split 50-50; so Trent Lott used his authority to make sure the public never heard Republicans ask witnesses penetrating questions that would expose Hillary’s collusion in Bill’s sexual activities, not to mention covering up his crimes.

NOTE: Democrats never stop telling us how serious impeaching a president is. Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi even went so far as to quote the Constitution to tell us that railroading President Trump is serious business. The country would be better off if Diarrhea Mouth told us how serious Trent Lott whitewashing the Clintons was.

One thing is certain, had New Yorkers learned about Clintons at the impeachment trial Hillary Clinton never would have ran for the Senate in 2000 let alone win. In her reelection bid in 2006 much of her corruption was still unknown. When she finally got her party’s presidential nomination in 2016 the entire federal government and the media were in her pocket.

Donald Trump was Hillary’s only opponent that ever had the guts to bring up Hillary’s long history of corruption. Putting her in jail for pay-to-play barely scratched the surface of her crimes.

Not one Democrat voted Bill Clinton guilty on either charge, but how many people remember that Republican Trent Lott deserved much of the blame for everything the Clintons did in the years after the impeachment trial? Should Bubba and Hillary skate on all of their Clinton Foundation crimes you can lay that on Trent Lott’s double-cross, too.

It was Trent Lott that made Hillary Clinton possible. Had the public known the full truth about Bill & Hillary in 2000 it is highly unlikely Hillary would have become a U.S. Senator, and eventually secretary of state.

Finally, most Democrats must know that moving Schiff’s articles of impeachment out of the House and over to a Senate trial is number one President Trump’s wish list. Schiff is the only one that does not know that Trump and Senate Republicans are playing rope-a-dope.
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Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi even went so far as to quote the Constitution to tell us that railroading President Trump is serious business. The country would be better off if Diarrhea Mouth told us how serious Trent Lott whitewashing the Clintons was.

Halloween puts impeachment in perspective:


"Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying to impeach him," Kennedy said. "I don't mean any disrespect, but it must suck to be that dumb." Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.)

No American should respect Speaker Pelosi who spews excrement on TV audiences every time she opens her filthy mouth. Maybe she would appear less dumb if television stopped covering her every time she has an oral bowel movement.

Pelosi and fellow Democrats like Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters wipe their mouths with toilet paper because it is cheaper than using napkins. That is a lot of sheets!