Schrodinger's Virus


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Of course strictly speaking a virus is neither alive or dead anyway. It doesn't have the means necessary to reproduce hence must use a host to perform the process of replication using either RNA or DNA depending on the particular virus.
Of course strictly speaking a virus is neither alive or dead anyway. It doesn't have the means necessary to reproduce hence must use a host to perform the process of replication using either RNA or DNA depending on the particular virus.

Actually that's true. :thumbsup:
Of course strictly speaking a virus is neither alive or dead anyway. It doesn't have the means necessary to reproduce hence must use a host to perform the process of replication using either RNA or DNA depending on the particular virus.

You beat me to the punch.
for that matter, how does a virus change its behavior......

It changes from reproducing just its Nucleic acid in the host cell (lytic cycle) to incorporating its Nucleic Acid with the host cells Nucleic acid (Lysogenic cycle).

In layman’s terms it changes its behavior from being contagious to not being contagious.
Of course strictly speaking a virus is neither alive or dead anyway. It doesn't have the means necessary to reproduce hence must use a host to perform the process of replication using either RNA or DNA depending on the particular virus.

The point wasn't whether it was alive, it was whether you could observe having it or not having it... that is the question.