Schumer's Criticism of Hillary Is Worse Than It Seems

Cancel 2018.1

New member
Chuck Schumer has been much remarked upon, even praised in many quarters, for stating the obvious — that Hillary Clinton should stop blaming the sun, moon, and stars, and, of course, Russia for her demise and look to herself for her failure to win the presidency. She was a wretched candidate with no obvious reason for running. Indeed, the WikiLeaks from her campaign operatives are rife with emails searching for some justification for her candidacy other than gender.

The New York senator is clearly correct in his criticism but he has a larger unacknowledged problem that is ultimately far more serious: Hillary's loss didn't occur entirely due to her own ineptitude. She is not alone. Her party has no useful programs anymore. As Gertrude said of Oakland, there's no there there. All they have is Trump bashing and, with the help of their media pals, that's all they do — and the country knows it.

Yes, as we also all know, the Republicans have their issues, to put it mildly. For a party controlling practically everything, they are remarkably inept and self-destructive, but at least, beneath it all, they have the potential to come together and move forward. (Who knows if they will?) For the Democrats it is another matter. They are hamstrung on all sides.

On the left, they have the Bernie Sanders contingent. At first glance, these people are stuck in 1968, but in truth, they are stuck in (roughly) 1932 or is it 1867? (The publication of Das Kapital.) Bernie's ideas are ye olde and moribund. He doesn't even seem to understand (or admit) that the Europeans — whose version of socialism he continually touts — have been deserting that system right and left for years, going more free market than the USA currently is, particularly in the area of corporate taxes.

Bernie is Margaret Thatcher's admonition about socialism eventually running out of other people's money writ large. Sure, some young people are seduced by his seemingly idealistic palaver (actually it's the reverse) but if he — or a younger clone — does run in 2020, one word will spell disaster for them: Venezuela. All socialist roads sooner or later point that way or to something even worse — the Soviet Union, China, etc. It doesn't take a genius to point that out, nor to demonstrate the catastrophic deficits his proposals engender. (Hillary, scared of alienating his supporters, was terrible at this.) And the young people who vote — those concerned about jobs, not the sad Social Justice Warriors who have, unwittingly, already given up on life — will react accordingly.

But what about the centrist Democrats? What do they have to say? Well, not much. That was Hillary's dilemma. Yes, she was about as charismatic as yesterday's sushi, but even if she wasn't, what could she say? Promise more things to black people? She already had their vote, more or less.

This reliance on reactionary identity politics is the root of the Democrats' problem — a Faustian bargain that like all such agreements turns out badly in the end. LBJ's original plan may have worked for the party (until now) but it has been a disaster for African-Americans whose communities and family life have been hurt significantly rather than helped.

Yet the Democrats cling to this cultivation of individual groups as if it were their only policy. Not surprisingly, these groups are finding themselves in conflict with each other, spelling problems for the Dems who have no way of reconciling the complaints of each. (The ludicrous construct of "intersectionality" has appeared because of this.)

This leaves the Republicans to pick up the pieces of a doomed Democratic Party if they can simply get it together to show the public of all races and orientations that we are all Americans first, that we will all do better that way. Can they do it? Your guess is as good as mine.

UPDATE: After writing this piece, I heard George Stephanopoulos interviewing Schumer about his extraordinarily boring so-called "Better Deal." He's promising better jobs for higher pay. Does that mean everyone's going to work for the government, because that's the only way he could guarantee that (and even then)? We all know where that leads. If that's the best he can come up with, the Democrats are in worse shape than I thought.

I've parodied Preston Sturges before and I'll do it again: "Liberalism" is not only dead, it's decomposed. (I'm speaking of modern liberalism here -- not classical liberalism, of course. Long may that live.)
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the republican paarty worked to keep people from voting.

they have for decades

Shumer needs tyo face that

bad information is means bad decisions out

blaming your self for being robbed when you did nohting to cause the crime is stupid

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has refused to lift a 30-year consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its efforts to end fraudulent voting.
The justices without comment turned down an appeal from RNC lawyers who said the decree has become “antiquated” and is “increasingly used as political weapon” by Democrats during national campaigns.
For their part, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee had argued that recent campaigns show the “consent degree remains necessary today.”
The court’s action is a victory for the DNC, and it comes after an election year in which the two parties regularly exchanged charges over “voter fraud” and “voter intimidation.” But most of the recent battles have been fought on the state level, and it is not clear whether the long-standing consent decree has had much impact.
it is court documented fact idiot

right up to the scotus
OK, since you're too stupid to comprehend the OP, at least comment on this one statement from it:
This reliance on reactionary identity politics is the root of the Democrats' problem — a Faustian bargain that like all such agreements turns out badly in the end.
Agree or disagree?
its the republican partys cheating that has caused the left to lose.

You fucks cheat Americans out of their right to vote to win elections

its works

it will fucking stop the day we fight you and make you stop cheating

Our ideas are fine

your cheating is not
I didn't think you could do it.
Besides it wouldn't matter if we cheat or not. Libertarians never win elections. That's not what we're interested in.

8. We’re not trying to win elections

Any libertarian who tells you he is trying to win an election is either lying to you about trying to win the election, lying to us about being a libertarian, or terribly misinformed. As far as we’re concerned, elections are a bad thing. We’re trying to end them, not win them.

The nature of the State is to make false promises to bait support from the people it victimizes. They promise to protect you from boogeymen, they promise to solve your economic problems, they promise to carry out the will of your deity. We see this as completely ridiculous, we know it will fail, and we know that most people are stupid enough to swallow it hook line and sinker, so we can’t compete with it in a popular vote.

Libertarians are anarchists, whether they realize it or not. Even the ones who are delusional enough to think that they are going to get elected and restore the bloody republic, are little more than useful idiots who are repeating anarchist propaganda for us through channels normally reserved for government. The goal is not to win your elections, the goal is to turn a large enough minority against the legitimacy of the State as to make its continued function impossible. So there’s absolutely no incentive to work with you in promoting candidates, which is the primary function of your political activity. You’re right when you say “No candidate is good enough” for us, no matter who runs for office we will tear him down because nobody has the right to be our ruler.
its crap to self examine when the CAUSE is criminal activity in the republican party

its like questioning your hair style as the fault of you being mugged.

she won

you stole it

if you had not stole it he would be saying sshe was a great candidate becuase she won so big
ID laws


russian help

the right cheaated their asses off

that is why NO ONE thught you could win

but you cheated like a pack of mutherfuckers
Chuck Schumer has been much remarked upon, even praised in many quarters, for stating the obvious — that Hillary Clinton should stop blaming the sun, moon, and stars, and, of course, Russia for her demise and look to herself for her failure to win the presidency. She was a wretched candidate with no obvious reason for running. Indeed, the WikiLeaks from her campaign operatives are rife with emails searching for some justification for her candidacy other than gender.

The New York senator is clearly correct in his criticism but he has a larger unacknowledged problem that is ultimately far more serious: Hillary's loss didn't occur entirely due to her own ineptitude. She is not alone. Her party has no useful programs anymore. As Gertrude said of Oakland, there's no there there. All they have is Trump bashing and, with the help of their media pals, that's all they do — and the country knows it.

Yes, as we also all know, the Republicans have their issues, to put it mildly. For a party controlling practically everything, they are remarkably inept and self-destructive, but at least, beneath it all, they have the potential to come together and move forward. (Who knows if they will?) For the Democrats it is another matter. They are hamstrung on all sides.

On the left, they have the Bernie Sanders contingent. At first glance, these people are stuck in 1968, but in truth, they are stuck in (roughly) 1932 or is it 1867? (The publication of Das Kapital.) Bernie's ideas are ye olde and moribund. He doesn't even seem to understand (or admit) that the Europeans — whose version of socialism he continually touts — have been deserting that system right and left for years, going more free market than the USA currently is, particularly in the area of corporate taxes.

Bernie is Margaret Thatcher's admonition about socialism eventually running out of other people's money writ large. Sure, some young people are seduced by his seemingly idealistic palaver (actually it's the reverse) but if he — or a younger clone — does run in 2020, one word will spell disaster for them: Venezuela. All socialist roads sooner or later point that way or to something even worse — the Soviet Union, China, etc. It doesn't take a genius to point that out, nor to demonstrate the catastrophic deficits his proposals engender. (Hillary, scared of alienating his supporters, was terrible at this.) And the young people who vote — those concerned about jobs, not the sad Social Justice Warriors who have, unwittingly, already given up on life — will react accordingly.

But what about the centrist Democrats? What do they have to say? Well, not much. That was Hillary's dilemma. Yes, she was about as charismatic as yesterday's sushi, but even if she wasn't, what could she say? Promise more things to black people? She already had their vote, more or less.

This reliance on reactionary identity politics is the root of the Democrats' problem — a Faustian bargain that like all such agreements turns out badly in the end. LBJ's original plan may have worked for the party (until now) but it has been a disaster for African-Americans whose communities and family life have been hurt significantly rather than helped.

Yet the Democrats cling to this cultivation of individual groups as if it were their only policy. Not surprisingly, these groups are finding themselves in conflict with each other, spelling problems for the Dems who have no way of reconciling the complaints of each. (The ludicrous construct of "intersectionality" has appeared because of this.)

This leaves the Republicans to pick up the pieces of a doomed Democratic Party if they can simply get it together to show the public of all races and orientations that we are all Americans first, that we will all do better that way. Can they do it? Your guess is as good as mine.

UPDATE: After writing this piece, I heard George Stephanopoulos interviewing Schumer about his extraordinarily boring so-called "Better Deal." He's promising better jobs for higher pay. Does that mean everyone's going to work for the government, because that's the only way he could guarantee that (and even then)? We all know where that leads. If that's the best he can come up with, the Democrats are in worse shape than I thought.

I've parodied Preston Sturges before and I'll do it again: "Liberalism" is not only dead, it's decomposed. (I'm speaking of modern liberalism here -- not classical liberalism, of course. Long may that live.)

^^^ Good article Doc ^^^, trying to relate to Evince is kinda like talking to yer favorite stuck on stupid rock.

Many Libertarian positions also appeal to me, (I'm not a member of any political party), n' I don't agree with the Libertarian summary ya posted.
then fuck off

you are not a democratic party member

You like it when we get cheated

libertarians are idiots
when you car has the engine stolen out of it you dont stand there and say

"well i should have had it tuned up last week so it wouldnt get stolen"

you dont blame your grandma for giving you new seat covers

the seat covers had nothing to do with the engine

makes no sense huh

it doesnt need tuning up

it needs protection against theft
^^^ Good article Doc ^^^,
Yeah, it's more of a critique on dims than hrc.
trying to relate to Evince is kinda like talking to yer favorite stuck on stupid rock.
I have more intelligent conversations with my cat, I swear.
Many Libertarian positions also appeal to me, (I'm not a member of any political party), n' I don't agree with the Libertarian summary ya posted.
Go to the link I posted. Maybe you'll agree with one of the other 9 reasons libertarians aren't particularly nice to you. That was just #8. I've posted the article in the link before though.
when you are robbed you need to plan against theft

blaming the socks you have on wont protect you from being robbed again
Yeah, it's more of a critique on dims than hrc.
I have more intelligent conversations with my cat, I swear.
Go to the link I posted. Maybe you'll agree with one of the other 9 reasons libertarians aren't particularly nice to you. That was just #8. I've posted the article in the link before though.

Some of the perspectives are interesting Doc. That said: the author is from the anarchy wing of the Libertarian party that I don't tend to agree with.

History shows us that the Gubment, (that's any gubment: foreign or domestic, Doc), has always been the most dangerous institution that humankind has invented.

Some form of limited gubment is necessary, and due to the risk from foreign gubments a strong national defense is also necessary, IMHO, (where I break with many Libertarians).

All Bernie Sanders supporters should live in Venezuela for a minimum of one year to gain hands on insight of their foolish position.