Science=1, Reverend Huckabee=0


Will work for Scooby snacks
Surprisingly, Reverend Huckabee's "Young Earth" theory (6,000 years old) may be a tad off.

China Finds 100,000 Year Old Human Skull


Published: Wednesday January 23, 2008

An almost complete human skull dating back 80,000 to 100,000 years has been unearthed in central China, state media reported Wednesday.

The skull, consisting of 16 pieces, was dug up last month after two years of excavation at a site in Xuchang in Henan province, the China Daily said.

The pieces were fossilised because they were buried near the mouth of a spring whose water had a high calcium content, the report said.

The People's Daily newspaper said the skull was expected to provide "direct evidence" concerning the origins of human beings in east Asia, as very few human fossils dating back to about 100,000 years ago had ever been found outside Africa.
um god just used his magic powers to MAKE it look old. He did this so you could see the greatness in him so you will be able to believe that the earth is only 6000 years old.
um god just used his magic powers to MAKE it look old. He did this so you could see the greatness in him so you will be able to believe that the earth is only 6000 years old.

That's true, and also the creationists claim that all forms of radiometric dating are flawed, and give bogus results.

One thing I've never heard a creationist explain, is how observed starlight from distant stars can be millions of years old, given that the speed of light is a physcial certainty and universal constant. Does the light speed up when it leaves the distant star, and then slow down when it reaches earth? :confused:
That's true, and also the creationists claim that all forms of radiometric dating are flawed, and give bogus results.

One thing I've never heard a creationist explain, is how observed starlight from distant stars can be millions of years old, given that the speed of light is a physcial certainty and universal constant. Does the light speed up when it leaves the distant star, and then slow down when it reaches earth? :confused:

When we look at distant stars, we might really be seeing the same stars over and over again.

an object that travels away from the Earth in a straight line will eventually return from the other side of the universe, having been rotated by 36° in the process. Space might therefore act like a cosmic hall of mirrors by creating multiple images of faraway light sources, which raises new questions about the physics of the early universe.

/not a creationist
//devils advocate
um god just used his magic powers to MAKE it look old. He did this so you could see the greatness in him so you will be able to believe that the earth is only 6000 years old.
If God were all powerful could he not simply make the time pass so that hundreds of billions of "years" could happen in a day?
Liberals beating a dead horse ...again!

First and formost when theologians refer to the Earth being 6000 years old...they are referring to the 'modern world'...the age of the written word and organized religion...not the age of dinosaurs...gotta love libs continued spin on everything!....NOT!:readit:
Not true BB, we have the creation museum in northern KY close to cincinnatti. they try to explain dinos and all as being only 6k years old.
It was endorsed by our ex republican guv too. he lost his re-election bid btw :D
What can I say..........

Not true BB, we have the creation museum in northern KY close to cincinnatti. they try to explain dinos and all as being only 6k years old.
It was endorsed by our ex republican guv too. he lost his re-election bid btw :D

Oh yeah...but thats KY....way too much Moonshine for them there pastors!:shots: