APP - Science Denial on the Rise


Science Denial on the Rise

From evolution to global warming to vaccines, science is under assault from denialists--those who dismiss well-tested scientific knowledge as merely one of many competing ideologies. Science denial goes beyond skeptical questioning to attack the legitimacy of science itself.
Recent foment over stolen e-mails from a British research group inspired an American creationist organization to pronounce that "a cabal of leading scientists, politicians, and media" has sought to "professionally destroy scientists who express skepticism" about climate change. The Discovery Institute usually reserves this kind of over-the-top language to attack evolution, so it was remarkable to see it branch out to climate-change denial.
Despite such misleading hyperbole, science is meritocratic. Once you achieve a minimum level of education and competence, you can participate, ask a challenging question of even the most respected scientist, or submit papers to scientific journals, where research is judged by the data and methodology. Esteemed scientists face relentless criticism. This is how science works.
Even when a scientific consensus based on evidence emerges--as it has for evolution and climate change--there is opportunity for dissent. As the great physicist Richard Feynman noted, "Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts."
Science requires conclusions about how nature works to be rooted in evidence-based testing. Sometimes progress is slow. But through a difficult and often frustrating process, we learn more about the world.
Science denialism works differently. Creationists are unmoved by the wealth of fossil, molecular, and anatomical evidence for evolution. Global-warming denialists are unimpressed by mountains of climate data. Denialists ignore overwhelming evidence, focusing instead on a few hoaxes, such as Piltdown Man, or a few stolen e-mails. For denialists, opinion polls and talk radio are more important than thousands of peer-reviewed journal articles.
Denialists often appeal to the ideal of fairness, arguing schools should "teach the controversy" and address "evidence for and against" science, as in then-Sen. Rick Santorum's proposed amendment to the No Child Left Behind bill in 2001. But they apply the ideal selectively to science they dislike: evolution, climate change, vaccines. They hope to cloak themselves in the mantle of science without being restricted by its requirements.
If denialists had evidence disproving global warming or evolution, they could submit it to scientific conferences and journals, inviting analysis by scientists. But, knowing their arguments don't hold water, they spread misinformation in arenas not subject to expert scrutiny: mass-market books, newspapers, talk radio, and blogs.
Understanding science has never been more important than it is today. Critical issues such as climate change and the threat of newly evolved flu strains demand greater scientific literacy among the public and politicians. As long as scientists must squander their time defending their work from denialism, we will fall behind on our fundamental responsibilities.
Steven Newton is a project director for the National Center for Science Education, He can be reached at
science denial is only on the rise because liberals have begun to engage in the practice......human caused global warming, abiogenesis, abortion.....all liberal hot buttons where emotions rank higher than scientific observation.......
science denial is only on the rise because liberals have begun to engage in the practice......human caused global warming, abiogenesis, abortion.....all liberal hot buttons where emotions rank higher than scientific observation.......

Doublespeak in action. Label something as the exact opposite of what it is.
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Doublespeak in action. Label something as the exact opposite of what it is. Science deniers need to be put in a Gulag far away from civilized society.

You do so much to harm your own cause. That's why I stopped arguing against you in this stuff. By leaving you to your own accord, you only legitimize your detractors and hamper your own movement.
science denial is only on the rise because liberals have begun to engage in the practice......human caused global warming, abiogenesis, abortion.....all liberal hot buttons where emotions rank higher than scientific observation.......
No. Science denial in America is on the increase because wingnut reactionaries, like you, have #1, never taken the time to learn science (and you've demonstrated that time and time again) and #2 you're determined to practice your own interpretation of science called "Ostrich Science".

Marginalzing those who have actually taken the time and dedication and made the effort to actually study and learn science as "liberals" is.....well.....beyond pathetic.
life beginning at conception is a scientific fact of biology, yet you libs deny it.

That's science denial right there.
life beginning at conception is a scientific fact of biology, yet you libs deny it.

That's science denial right there.
They do, do they? Then please, explain to me. By what criteria have you determined that life begins at conception? Because someone told you so? Please educate this liberal who you've all ready decided doesn't believe live begins at conception.
They do, do they? Then please, explain to me. By what criteria have you determined that life begins at conception? Because someone told you so? Please educate this liberal who you've all ready decided doesn't believe live begins at conception.

Do you believe life begins at conception?
Of course I do. It's an established biological fact. Whoops, doesn't that just contradict your comment? Are you going to even bother to answer my question? By what criteria have you determined that life begins at conception?

They're similar to yours I'd wager. I shan't go into it. I just don't know why you're being an arguementative dick when we agree.

You're a scientifically literate lib; you get a cookie.

It's generally the case, however, that an abortion proselytizing lib considers the notion that life begins at conception to be a case of irrational rightwing religiousity. You know that's true.
Oh. and Libs also mindlesssly believe Anthropogenic Global Warming, even though the scientists were outed as liars and obfuscators of truth.
They're similar to yours I'd wager. I shan't go into it. I just don't know why you're being an arguementative dick when we agree.

You're a scientifically literate lib; you get a cookie.

It's generally the case, however, that an abortion proselytizing lib considers the notion that life begins at conception to be a case of irrational rightwing religiousity. You know that's true.
Well how will I know that if you don't answer my question? I want to see if you actually know the scientific criteria or your just basing your comment on "because someone said so".
That's anthropogenic climactic change. Please try to use the correct scientific terminology and not political ones.

You're nit picking aside, those scientists were outed for being liars and hacks trying to hide their faulty methods and wrong conclusions, and actively trying to suppress and marginalize scientists who disagree with their crap science.

THEY chose politics over science.
To conclude, science denial is on the rise, but mostly by statists who distort the truth to empower more government thievery and fascist control.
They do, do they? Then please, explain to me. By what criteria have you determined that life begins at conception? Because someone told you so? Please educate this liberal who you've all ready decided doesn't believe live begins at conception.

How fucking stupid is this jackass?

Life obviously begins when conception takes place and the process of LIFE begins. There's no other way to describe it.