Science Doesn't Make Any Sense!

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
"For years, Congress has been able to force scientists to label their disgusting work as fiction," "But we don't think that's good enough. It's not called "Science Fiction" for nothing folks. So-called science is just a big pile of secular lies made up solely to take the credit away from God. There is no other way of putting it! They need to stop calling it Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, and Physics. Do they think that the people of God are going to stand by like idiots and let them rot this country's education system with a mythology spawned by hoofed demons in the fiery caves of Hell?" One does not have to have a degree in Theology to see the Devil's hot red hands in this plot. It was only a matter of time before scientists would start trying to pawn off their silly stories as "truth." Christians know that scientists have never cared, nor will they ever care, one iota about "the Truth." Because truth can't be found in the light of a Bunson Burner. It can only be seen in the Light of God's Word. And that is only found in the Bible. The Bible will tell you that God did not make man from so-called carbon; He made him with dirt.

Today's scientists have taken a turn for the worse. Their mysterious campaign of deception was no doubt designed by several demons of the highest order, armed with Al Gore's calculator and more than likely orchestrated by the hoofed satyr, Lucifer, himself. Science is a "fuzzy math" and a blood-bought Baptist must have a spirit of discernment to see through secular science's toxic cloud of confusion. They mislead the public by creating different names for themselves. They say, "I'm a psychologist," or "I'm a therapist or microbiologist." Poppy-cock! That's what it is. They are nothing more than Satanists with spectacles and pockets full of pencils and rulers. In fact, the word "scientist" is actually Latin for "Satanist." Do they take Christians for fools?
A list of groups in league with the anti-morality science conspiracy.

The following groups of people CANNOT BE TRUSTED. Do not read anything they write, or use any device that they have invented.

(In no particular order: )


Even before Darwin, it was geologists who began to claim that the Earth is older than 6004 years. And modern geology stubbornly refuses to yield up its hidden proof of a universal flood, or the recent and coeval existence of all creatures, living and extinct.


Invented all sorts of laws, like decay rates of isotopes, the non-decaying speed of light, the refraction of light to produce rainbows, etc., all of which disagree with the the Book of Genesis. And to add insult to injury, physicists can't seem to see the truth that evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics --a fact that every good creationist knows, even without a degree in physics!

Defenders of the Scientific Method and peer review

Every heard of creation scientists engaging in peer review? Or a creation scientist being celebrated for proving another creation scientist wrong? Of course not - REAL science is based on finding the facts in the bible and then looking for evidence to back it up, not finding evidence and then coming to a conclusion. Yet the enemies of morality still claim that the "scientific method" is a legitimate lifestyle choice.

The Nobel Prize Committee

...Is completely blind to the enlightenment brought to the world by creation scientists. Is that because creation science would overturn so many preconceived notions of the scientific establishment, with its deeply-rooted prejudice against all things Christian?

I would like to know, quite seriously, when the last time was that ANY biblical-literalist-creationist won a Nobel prize in ANY field. Also, has anyone ever won for any work that patently supports a major creationist principle? Clearly the Nobel Prize Commitee has a liberal bias!

Police who won't arrest evil-utionists

Everyone knows that belief in evolution destroys their faith in the Bible, so naturally they have no moral guide and no fear of eternal damnation, and since they think we came from monkeys, they see ourselves as animals with no eternal souls. So, prisons should be filled with atheists. But they aren't - obviously the police are in on the conspiracy.


People belive in evolution in Europe, and we all know how that entire continent has collapsed into a barbarism that makes the fall of Rome look like peanuts.

Geophysicists and their Plate Tectonics

South America and Africa match like perfect puzzle pieces because God thought they looked prettier like that. This whole continents moving a few inches every year more millions of years denies the Biblican truth that the world is 6004 years old.

Propagandists of Original Thought

Creationism is about believing without question a particular interpretation of scripture. Indeed, in a belief system of that nature, any questioning or original thought about the revealed knowledge is not only incorrect, it is sinful. (In the anti-American world of science, on the other hand, questioning and testing of accepted or authoritative beliefs is the method--it's what you're supposed to do. No wonder scientists are known to cook and eat fetuses they pick up drive-through at Planned Parenthood clinics.)

Mathematics teachers and other believers in Pi

In the Bible Pi is a neat 3 (reflecting the trinity, no doubt) while math teachers believe it is an ugly, messy 3.14159. Despite some legal attempts in some state legislatures to return it to the divine purity of 3, pi has hardened its heart and refused to conform to the biblically prescribed norm.

Believers in Micro-organisms

Mircoscoptic creatures are never mentioned in the Bible at all, so we are forced to do a lot of rewriting of Genesis to account for their day of creation, and their presence or absence on the Ark.

Believers in the Ice Ages

They have to have occurred since the Flood, since the surface of the Earth was reworked by the Flood (to create, for instance, the Grand Canyon practically overnight), which would have messed up all those marks of glaciers on the landscape. That means mile-thick ice sheets had to advance and retreat again and again, across half the Northern Hemisphere, with the speed of freight trains, but without this miracle being recorded in the Bible.

I say it's easier just to deny that Ice Ages ever happened.

Meterologists and weathermen and pilots

The Bible clearly states that the sky is a solid dome, a "firmament," which was firm enough to separate waters above it from those below on the Earth. By Noah's time it was still solid enough to have windows in it that had to be opened to let the rain through. I think that false-Christians that spite on God's face by calling it "poetic metaphor" have given in to the godless materialists! The Bible really is literal, in the true sense of the word. The sky was a hard firmament with windows in it-and anybody who says different is a mealy-mouthed evolution-sympathizer.

Peleontologists and anyone who Digs up Fossils

First of all, extinct creatures don't exist in our perfect Creation, since their very extinction implies that they were not so perfect. And there are so darn many of them, of so many different kinds. Here are some creation-scientific explanations of what fossils are and how they got there:

o Dinosaurs were too big to go on the Ark, so they got buried in the mud of the Flood.

o Extinct creatures were on the Ark. They died out later.

o Fossils never were animals. They're a hoax by Satan and/or materialistic science.

o Fossils never were animals. They're a hoax by God to test your faith.

Liberal-bias universities that hand out degrees and credentials to evolutionists.

True scientists (creationists) get their science degrees from non-accredited religious institutions rather than accredited schools and universities.

Just how useless are liberal-bias universities? Consider the competition: for fifty bucks and an SASE, and you're a Ph.D., ready and qualified to refute evolution! Meanwhile stupid scientists spend far more time and money on a far inferior education!
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"In New Orleans, Crawfish Boils Can Be a Jewish Tradition Too"

"ON THE LAST SUNDAY IN May, as happens so often in spring in Louisiana, a room fills with tables covered in red-checked tablecloths and set with endless rolls of paper towel. In the center sits a plastic kiddie pool with a quarter-ton of crawfish, awaiting service with big metal scoops, like the kind you’d find in a hotel ice machine. Bright red, boiled through with local spices, ready for their tails to be pinched and their heads sucked, the ripe crustaceans await some 150 or more diners. What sets this crawfish boil apart is the location and the audience: It’s a fundraiser for the Brotherhood of Temple Sinai, held inside the Jewish synagogue."

So-called science is just a big pile of secular lies made up solely to take the credit away from God.

Let's see. The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that for any given body of matter:

Radiance = Absolute_Temperature ^4 * Stef_Bolt_Constant * Emissivity

Are you saying this is a lie? Can you give me one repeatable example in nature whereby this relationship does not hold?

Also, social scientists claim that UAE + Israel + Bahrain + Trump = Start of Peace in the Middle East = Jews will vote for Trump in record numbers.

Let's see. The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that for any given body of matter:

Radiance = Absolute_Temperature ^4 * Stef_Bolt_Constant * Emissivity

Are you saying this is a lie? Can you give me one repeatable example in nature whereby this relationship does not hold?

Also, social scientists claim that UAE + Israel + Bahrain + Trump = Start of Peace in the Middle East = Jews will vote for Trump in record numbers.


praise jebus!!
"In New Orleans, Crawfish Boils Can Be a Jewish Tradition Too"

"ON THE LAST SUNDAY IN May, as happens so often in spring in Louisiana, a room fills with tables covered in red-checked tablecloths and set with endless rolls of paper towel. In the center sits a plastic kiddie pool with a quarter-ton of crawfish, awaiting service with big metal scoops, like the kind you’d find in a hotel ice machine. Bright red, boiled through with local spices, ready for their tails to be pinched and their heads sucked, the ripe crustaceans await some 150 or more diners. What sets this crawfish boil apart is the location and the audience: It’s a fundraiser for the Brotherhood of Temple Sinai, held inside the Jewish synagogue."


:palm: goyim wannabees
Let's see. The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that for any given body of matter:

Radiance = Absolute_Temperature ^4 * Stef_Bolt_Constant * Emissivity

Are you saying this is a lie? Can you give me one repeatable example in nature whereby this relationship does not hold?

Also, social scientists claim that UAE + Israel + Bahrain + Trump = Start of Peace in the Middle East = Jews will vote for Trump in record numbers.


Not entirely right, here is the full equation.

E = ε’σ T^4

where E = total flux, ε’ = effective emissivity (a value between 0 and 1), σ is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant and T = temperature in Kelvin.
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Let's see. The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that for any given body of matter:

Radiance = Absolute_Temperature ^4 * Stef_Bolt_Constant * Emissivity


Not entirely right, here is the full equation.

E = ε’σ T^4

where E = total flux, ε’ = effective emissivity (a value between 0 and 1), σ is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant and T = temperature in Kelvin.

OK, so you rushed to Wikipedia believing it will transform you into a scientific genius ... and you responded to me with the words "Not entirely right."

What difference do you believe exists between what I wrote and what you copy-pasted?
The biggest problem with science when it comes to things like environmental issues is secrecy. The scientists involved, be they in academia, private industry, or government like the EPA, all refuse to release their underlying primary data for review. This has cost them a number of court cases where they were suing to shut up detractors or those calling them frauds. They lost their cases because they wouldn't reveal their data to prove their case. They wanted those questioning them shut up with no evidence.

The EPA regularly now trots out such studies. Amazingly many show an economic cost analysis that says the cost of their proposed regulation is exactly equal to the cost on the economy. It's amazing how that happens repeatedly...