Science marches forward

I wonder how many would be saved by not gettig hit at night compared to how many would get hit at night because you can see them?
I have never hit anything in my life (that I know of). I ran over someones suitcase once. The bastards dropped it right in front of me on the freeway I straddled it and it blew open spreading their shit all over the place.
I have never hit anything in my life (that I know of). I ran over someones suitcase once. The bastards dropped it right in front of me on the freeway I straddled it and it blew open spreading their shit all over the place.

You simply don't know the joys of pulling a crow out of the front grill of you car. Its not fun. :)

Even so, if it was safe, I'd swerve to avoid a glowing cat. LOL. I actually like cats.
I have hit a few critters. Always makes me feel bad even if just a possum.
I also feel bad about shooting pesky critters, but do it anyway.
I have hit a few critters. Always makes me feel bad even if just a possum.
I also feel bad about shooting pesky critters, but do it anyway.

Oh man, that is a sickening feeling in the pit of your gut when you hit a rabbit or a possum, etc. I hate that. I once saved a turtle, who was crossing a busy road, by parking and jumping out of my car, dodging oncoming traffic, and grabbing the turtle. Little did I know it was a snapping turtle, and the damn thing tried to bit my fingers off. LOL. I managed to find his little pond, and stick him in it before he did me any bodily harm. Anyway, I earned some karma points that day. :)
I gave up on moving turtles out of the road. You move em out of the road in the direction they were heading and look back and they are heading back the other way across the road.

Kinda reminds me of Republicans.