Why do Muslim men rape and torture white girls in Britain?
Because it is permitted in Islamic religion.
Countries controlled by Islam are called Dar al-Islam, or the House of Submission/Peace.
Countries not controlled by Islam are the Dar al-Harb, or the House of War.
Britain is thus the House of War, and will remain in a state of war until it is controlled by Islam.
Muslim men can take sex-slaves during a war against the Kuffir / Infidel / Disbeliever.
As the prophet Mohammed (piss be upon him) decreed girls aged nine and above were available for penetrative sex, very young English girls are considered to be legally available (under Sharia Law) as sex-slaves.
In order for a group of thirty year-old Pakistani Muslim males to get away with having "consensual" sex with a lone nine year-old English girl, it does tend to help if the policeman who interrupts them is of the Sharia-compliant variety, which they now are and sadly have been for several decades.
Those who support "multiculturalism" need to understand sex-slavery is part of Islamic culture.
If they continue to support multiculturalism, then they support gang rape and sex slavery.