Scientists discover DNA proving original Native Americans were White

Yep. Whitey got here first. I know this will upset a lot of people, but I really don't care. You're all a bunch of racists.

Science is finally catching up with the revelations found in the Holy Scriptures concerning mankind? "God......And hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth...……" Acts 17:26

If all men were not created equal...….why and how can the blood of one supposed race be transfused into another supposed race of humans? The one thing it did not take me long to figure out while serving 20+ years in the US military, WE ALL BLEED RED, its not the color of the skin that makes great men its the character of their heart.
Science is finally catching up with the revelations found in the Holy Scriptures concerning mankind? "God......And hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth...……" Acts 17:26

If all men were not created equal...….why and how can the blood of one supposed race be transfused into another supposed race of humans? The one thing it did not take me long to figure out while serving 20+ years in the US military, WE ALL BLEED RED, its not the color of the skin that makes great men its the character of their heart.

Race is fiction created by euro colonizers.
You moron, Natives still exist today for reference. The one's the settlers dealt with are similar to Asians in color. Makes sense since they first traversed across to Alaska, from Asia on a now sunken land bridge.
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I always enjoy white supremacist's feckless attempts to rationalize the american holocaust.

The white man brought civilization to the the savages. If it wasn't for them, Indians would still be slaughtering each other hunting buffalo and living in tents.