APP - Scientists forced to sign onto support of global warming

The internationalist fascists are trying to take us back to a new dark age, and the suppression of scientific truths at odds with the worldly power structures.

Beware UN totalitarianism and the Rise of Olam Ha Ba.
A link to a rightwing opinion columnist on the rightwing WSJ editorial page? Aren't these the same opinion columnists that easily fooled you into supporting the Iraq fiasco?

Why do wingnut climate denialists always use links from rightwing blogs and rightwing opinion columns......

....while leftys use links like the National Academy of Science, and universally respected actual scientific publications like "Nature"?
The problem with the petition as a form is also a problem with the Met Office petition's substance. The purpose of the petition is to shore up scientists' authority by vouching for their integrity. But signing a loyalty oath under pressure from the government is itself a corrupt act. Anyone who signs this petition thereby raises doubts about his own integrity. And once again, the question arises: Why should any layman regard global warmism as credible when the "consensus" rests on political machinations, statistical tricks and efforts to suppress alternative hypotheses?

Fascinating. Ignoring an opinion you find in opposition to your own is supposed to be anathema to scientists....
A link to a rightwing opinion columnist on the rightwing WSJ editorial page? Aren't these the same opinion columnists that easily fooled you into supporting the Iraq fiasco?

Why do wingnut climate denialists always use links from rightwing blogs and rightwing opinion columns......

....while leftys use links like the National Academy of Science, and universally respected actual scientific publications like "Nature"?
Rubbish, lefties use huffpo....
Fascinating. Ignoring an opinion you find in opposition to your own is supposed to be anathema to scientists....


Science is dead, just like the priests kept europe in scientific backwardness for a few hundred years, they're going to do it again.

When will you stop being a fucking mason and be a human being, and use your considerable intellect for good?
A link to a rightwing opinion columnist on the rightwing WSJ editorial page? Aren't these the same opinion columnists that easily fooled you into supporting the Iraq fiasco?

Why do wingnut climate denialists always use links from rightwing blogs and rightwing opinion columns......

....while leftys use links like the National Academy of Science, and universally respected actual scientific publications like "Nature"?

I'm still waiting on some actual science to be thrown in. You know something like facts? I love how right wingers NEVER bring up science in talking about the issue. Just personal attacking and whining like bitches.

Science is dead, just like the priests kept europe in scientific backwardness for a few hundred years, they're going to do it again.

When will you stop being a fucking mason and be a human being, and use your considerable intellect for good?

I don't see you righties using any science anywhere in this discussion. Nada.
Psst an opinion isn't science. Where's your science?
Wherever their data is hidden. They've been asked to supply it, they've refused....

However, the reality is opinions are where it all begins. Minds that lock onto any idea and refuse to read any opinions that differ, then pretend to call themselves "scientists"? Or to believe in "science"? Nobody who understands and respects the scientific process does that.

And this thread is about a political action towards those who purportedly practice science (not science itself), that is what generates the opinion. Politics does that.
A link to a rightwing opinion columnist on the rightwing WSJ editorial page? Aren't these the same opinion columnists that easily fooled you into supporting the Iraq fiasco?

Why do wingnut climate denialists always use links from rightwing blogs and rightwing opinion columns......

....while leftys use links like the National Academy of Science, and universally respected actual scientific publications like "Nature"?

Well here you go fool...

Does it make it any more factual to read it directly from the London Times rather than the WSJ....????

Truth is truth no matter what the source
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I'm still waiting on some actual science to be thrown in. You know something like facts? I love how right wingers NEVER bring up science in talking about the issue. Just personal attacking and whining like bitches.

What would yuo like to see? I've posted tons of stuff.
google David Archibald or Tim Patterson for credible government funded scientists with alternative theories. I've posted it before. Not wasting my time on you idiots anymore. You look at emails of scientists conspiring to keep a failing theory afloat and you have no problem with it.

and for the record,Crypiss!, when i found out about the Bush lies, I left the fucking party , you fucking asshole!!

You're an idiot warmer and history will laugh at this shit.
Wherever their data is hidden. They've been asked to supply it, they've refused....

However, the reality is opinions are where it all begins. Minds that lock onto any idea and refuse to read any opinions that differ, then pretend to call themselves "scientists"? Or to believe in "science"? Nobody who understands and respects the scientific process does that.

And this thread is about a political action towards those who purportedly practice science (not science itself), that is what generates the opinion. Politics does that.

Uh this is about science. Your posting an opinion article. Not science. If you had the science you could prove it. But you don't so you instead post someone's opinion. Yawn. Science and politics have nothing to do with each other just like science and religion don't.
Oh. So non-politicized science is a right wing notion.

Is that your final answer?

Science has nothing to do with politics. If you had the science to prove people wrong you would post it. Still haven't so it shows you're full of shit and nobody should listen to you on this issue cause you've got shit. Leave the discussion to people who have something to bring to it and who talk about science. As I've said twice now science has nothing to do with politics (or religion). Either show the science or you're just full of b.s.
What would yuo like to see? I've posted tons of stuff.
google David Archibald or Tim Patterson for credible government funded scientists with alternative theories. I've posted it before. Not wasting my time on you idiots anymore. You look at emails of scientists conspiring to keep a failing theory afloat and you have no problem with it.

and for the record,Crypiss!, when i found out about the Bush lies, I left the fucking party , you fucking asshole!!

You're an idiot warmer and history will laugh at this shit.

So it shows you've got shit. And if you don't want to waste time why are you in the thread in the first place? I guess you like wasting time then. You've just got nothing. And I want to see, as I've said, science. Not opinions. Science. You know what that is right? Apparently you moron's have no clue about what science is since you're going around posting opinions from people. I could give two shits about whoever the fuck you're promoting around. Their opinion means shit just like anyone else's. The science speaks for itself as it always has and always will. Learn what is and isn't science.
Uh this is about science. Your posting an opinion article. Not science. If you had the science you could prove it. But you don't so you instead post someone's opinion. Yawn. Science and politics have nothing to do with each other just like science and religion don't.
No it isn't. It is about government using its power to effect what scientists do, it is about politics, not science.
So it shows you've got shit. And if you don't want to waste time why are you in the thread in the first place? I guess you like wasting time then. You've just got nothing. And I want to see, as I've said, science. Not opinions. Science. You know what that is right? Apparently you moron's have no clue about what science is since you're going around posting opinions from people. I could give two shits about whoever the fuck you're promoting around. Their opinion means shit just like anyone else's. The science speaks for itself as it always has and always will. Learn what is and isn't science.

No it doesn't. I've got tons of links you can find searching this site. I refuse to spend any more time posting the same links again and again. You ignored them last, you'll ignore them this time. If you want to ignore glaring deceptions by your scientists, what-the-fuck-ever!! I don't care if you believe global warming is caused by humans. I know the truth is humans play very little part and what part they do play has been overblown to justify carbon taxes. It's a well funded effort by the elite class to implement new taxes in the name of an unseen and unstoppable enemy. It's no different than the middle east wars and the terrorist mantra.