APP - Scientists show heart can repair itself, with help

The death panels?

it will probably come to that, if not here then other places

care to bet that politicians get first in line for rejuvenation therapy

you can kiss goodbye retirement unless someone chooses to not get rejuvenation therapy

also, it will depend on much it will cost, however, if it consists of cheap pills then watch the population grow

i bet that the death penalty will be voted for more and more running red lights etc.
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Or people will start having fewer children.

some will but others will still want to reproduce

it is a social problem that will require a social solution

what about people that are retired that find themselves young again - will they go back to work or expect that social security and medicare will take care of them

will women want to go back to having periods and being fertile

what about the limits of human memory

lots of changes will need to be adapted to

a whole new world will open up - think of the challenges