Scientists uncover mystery of ball lightning

My father and I once witnessed sheet lightening. It was bizare. We were driving in a rain storm when it occurred. Imagine a lightening bolt skipping across the sky from north to south like a stone skipping accross the top of water. Now imagine that it's not a single bolt but rank and files of them filling the sky from east to west as far as the eye could see of lightning bolts all skipping across the sky in unison and in the same direction. It was a completely fantastic site. I'll never forget it.
My father and I once witnessed sheet lightening. It was bizare. We were driving in a rain storm when it occurred. Imagine a lightening bolt skipping across the sky from north to south like a stone skipping accross the top of water. Now imagine that it's not a single bolt but rank and files of them filling the sky from east to west as far as the eye could see of lightning bolts all skipping across the sky in unison and in the same direction. It was a completely fantastic site. I'll never forget it.

Yeh, I saw something like that in Vietnam last year. When you get lightning storms over there, they don't fuck about.
Yeh, I saw something like that in Vietnam last year. When you get lightning storms over there, they don't fuck about.
I had seen sheet lightening before, it's not uncommon when your located just outside a thunderstorm cell but this was truely strange. Parallel ranks and files of lightening bolts from east to west as far as the eye could see skipping in unison from north to south at the exact same moment and literally filling the sky. Like it had been drawn on a piece of paper.
My missus said that she saw ball lightning when she was about fourteen in Northern Thailand, I was a bit sceptical at first but her description of it was too graphic for it to be anything else.

The title is a bit exaggerated. Some scientists have apparently come up with a new explanation, doesn't necessarily mean they've found the explanation. That'd really be news.

Ball lightning is a bit of a weird phenomena, but it's generally thought of as real, rather than a crock of shit like UFO's (actually, it may be one of the things people mistake for UFO's). Lab experiments have produced phenomena like ball lightning, but there's not really any way to know if that's actually what's happening. It's obviously difficult to pin down, because it's appearance is so sporadic and unpredictable.
My father and I once witnessed sheet lightening. It was bizare. We were driving in a rain storm when it occurred. Imagine a lightening bolt skipping across the sky from north to south like a stone skipping accross the top of water. Now imagine that it's not a single bolt but rank and files of them filling the sky from east to west as far as the eye could see of lightning bolts all skipping across the sky in unison and in the same direction. It was a completely fantastic site. I'll never forget it.

Sheet lightning is when a single bolt of cloud to cloud lightning is obscured, exhibiting a diffuse effect that appears as a flash of light. If you literally saw multiple lightning bolts shoot out at the same time and in the same direction, that's pretty weird.
I see ball lightning every time I take a dump.

Seriously though I've seen it once I think, driving through Ohio.
My missus said that she saw ball lightning when she was about fourteen in Northern Thailand, I was a bit sceptical at first but her description of it was too graphic for it to be anything else.

My wife and I were watching a storm trapped in the valley we used to live in. A ball of light, about the size of a small melon 'flew' from the window and across the bed (about a foot from the covers) and then just disappeared. It lasted no more than a second or two and was gone before we could say, 'Did you see that?'
Tropical lightening storms can be pretty amazing, both dry and wet.
Sheet lightning is when a single bolt of cloud to cloud lightning is obscured, exhibiting a diffuse effect that appears as a flash of light. If you literally saw multiple lightning bolts shoot out at the same time and in the same direction, that's pretty weird.
Yes I did and that it was. Actually it was a pretty awesome sight.