Scott Van Pelt (ESPN) Defends Tom Izzo


Well-known member
This will probably end Van Pelt's career. For those who missed it, Izzo laid into one of his players during the tournament (as he often does) and certain factions melted down over it. In this era of "safe places" a coach challenging his player like Izzo did is unacceptable to many. SVP gives a short but excellent monologue on it and how we do no favors to kids by shielding them from criticism and not letting them face adversity.

Edit: This board is full of Boomers. Anyone that age who grew up playing sports had to have a tough as nails coach like Izzo.

This will probably end Van Pelt's career. For those who missed it, Izzo laid into one of his players during the tournament (as he often does) and certain factions melted down over it. In this era of "safe places" a coach challenging his player like Izzo did is unacceptable to many. SVP gives a short but excellent monologue on it and how we do no favors to kids by shielding them from criticism and not letting them face adversity.

Edit: This board is full of Boomers. Anyone that age who grew up playing sports had to have a tough as nails coach like Izzo.

Over stated,Van Pelt,has an opinion,it's his job
You would be wrong,I watch Get Up,First Take,Sportscenter,Tony and Michael ,daily.
You obviously don't stand by your statement.
That "This will probably end van Pelt's career"

It was a metaphor for ESPN and the “Wokecenter” show he hosts. If enough complaints role in he very well could lose his job.

I see you have no actual comment on Izzo’s actions and subsequent firestorm it has created
This will probably end Van Pelt's career. For those who missed it, Izzo laid into one of his players during the tournament (as he often does) and certain factions melted down over it. In this era of "safe places" a coach challenging his player like Izzo did is unacceptable to many. SVP gives a short but excellent monologue on it and how we do no favors to kids by shielding them from criticism and not letting them face adversity.

Edit: This board is full of Boomers. Anyone that age who grew up playing sports had to have a tough as nails coach like Izzo.

I haven’t heard anyone getting their panties in a wad over it.
What's over stated? Have you not seen the reaction from Izzo's detractors? SVP nailed it. Or are you of the belief today's athletes need to be coddled?

No. I honestly haven’t. Most I’ve heard is people oberving that’s how he coaches and always have had.
It was a metaphor for ESPN and the “Wokecenter” show he hosts. If enough complaints role in he very well could lose his job.

I see you have no actual comment on Izzo’s actions and subsequent firestorm it has created
I saw one report on Yahoo news but I’d hardly describe it as a firestorm. Half the coaches have some sort of meltdown every game.

Though to be honest coaches can go to far with that. Woody Hayes, as much as I admire him, antics wouldn’t be tolerated today and understandably so. I’ve talked to several players who talked about Woody telling them to take their helmet off than slapping them upside the head like a DI would. That was swept under the rug back then and it shouldn’t have been. Same with Bobby Knight. Knight was a great Coach but he grossly crossed the line between hard assed disciplinarian and abuse. We both know what happened to both Coaches. They ended their careers in disgrace and it blemished all the really great work they did.
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I saw one report on Yahoo news but I’d hardly describe it as a firestorm. Half the coaches have some sort of meltdown every game.

Though to be honest coaches can go to far with that. Woody Hayes, as much as I admire him, antics wouldn’t be tolerated today and understandably so. I’ve talked to several players who talked about Woody telling them to take their helmet off than slapping them upside the head like a DI would. That was swept under the rug back then and it shouldn’t have been. Same with Bobby Knight. Knight was a great Coach but he grossly crossed the line between hard assed disciplinarian and abuse. We both know what happened to both Coaches. They ended their careers in disgrace and it blemished all the really great work they did.

There’s always a line of course but look at how many of Knights ex-players swear by him. Izzo had ex-players come out in his defense as well. Some coaches are just a*holes with not much good redeeming value about them. Then there are coaches like Izzo who may be hard asses but his players know he has their best interests at heart.
It was unnecessary, anytime a coach physically challenges a player and has to be restrained it is over the edge

The view regarding tough coaches is bullshit, a good coach never has to go to that extent, it is only allowed when the team is winning. Coaches are suppose to be teachers, not DIs, coaches who act like Izzo forgot it is suppose to be about the players, not them
There’s always a line of course but look at how many of Knights ex-players swear by him. Izzo had ex-players come out in his defense as well. Some coaches are just a*holes with not much good redeeming value about them. Then there are coaches like Izzo who may be hard asses but his players know he has their best interests at heart.
I generally agree. The kid didn’t lose any minutes playing and sure started getting his ass back on defense,
It was unnecessary, anytime a coach physically challenges a player and has to be restrained it is over the edge

The view regarding tough coaches is bullshit, a good coach never has to go to that extent, it is only allowed when the team is winning. Coaches are suppose to be teachers, not DIs, coaches who act like Izzo forgot it is suppose to be about the players, not them

I tend to agree with you. I hated coaches like that when I was in school.
It was unnecessary, anytime a coach physically challenges a player and has to be restrained it is over the edge

The view regarding tough coaches is bullshit, a good coach never has to go to that extent, it is only allowed when the team is winning. Coaches are suppose to be teachers, not DIs, coaches who act like Izzo forgot it is suppose to be about the players, not them

Spoken like a true puss
Let's see......Izzo, 22 years at Michigan State........22 trips to the NCAA tournamenst........7 trips to the Final Four.......what was the question again?......
I never root for anything from Michigan but I like coaches like Izzo. When I started reading about how he was over the top in his ripping this kid I had to go watch the clip and the game leading up to the scolding. What a bunch of soft people we have in this country. Soft parenting, soft coaching, ... leads to college kids looking for “safe spaces.” Gee whiz ...