Screw You Darla


Well-known member
I got to work two hours late because of you. The lady that talks to herself all day long texted me "Where are you" as in why the f*ck aren't you at the office working. You owe me a serious apology!
It looks like they convined the drinking part of Cawacko's job even earlier today. We could be in for a full day of drunk posting!

You know what they say sh*t runs downhill. If I'm getting yelled at I have to blame someone else. Darla is the most convienent.

It's awesome coming to work without showering or cleaning yourself at all. The first person that saw me in the office this morning said 'Good morning Cawacko, wow you like hell'. So I responded 'Hey, it's great to see me too'.
You know what they say sh*t runs downhill. If I'm getting yelled at I have to blame someone else. Darla is the most convienent.

It's awesome coming to work without showering or cleaning yourself at all. The first person that saw me in the office this morning said 'Good morning Cawacko, wow you like hell'. So I responded 'Hey, it's great to see me too'.

OMG you are totally still shit-faced. I am amazed you are able to keep a job.
Oh, great! He’s drunk Tiana. Now he’ll be pole-vaulting all over the place. Oh this is going to get so…interesting.

Great, I just took some aspirin and medication and now I'm sobering up aka I'm starting to feel like hell. I should have just stayed drunk.
Great, I just took some aspirin and medication and now I'm sobering up aka I'm starting to feel like hell. I should have just stayed drunk.
You should use Advil. Aspirin is just more abuse to your already lacerated liver.
Great, I just took some aspirin and medication and now I'm sobering up aka I'm starting to feel like hell. I should have just stayed drunk.

Aspirin is medication, fool.

Ah Cawacko you're no fun like this. I like you when you're either roaring drunk and calling people sir, or sober and I can make fun of you. I just kind of feel sorry for you today.