APP - Seattle democrats cut taxes on the rich - Hate the homeless

Didn't their punitive taxes on businesses drive Boeing and Amazon to relocate a lot of jobs?

Taxes have ZERO impact on business activity. We know this to be so because our friends on the left tell us so. Didn't Warren Buffet once say that no business makes a business decision based on the tax code?
Taxes have ZERO impact on business activity. We know this to be so because our friends on the left tell us so. Didn't Warren Buffet once say that no business makes a business decision based on the tax code?

I guess nobody told Jeff Bezos or Boeing. Or maybe they did and Bezos and Boeing knew it was BS.

Could be. Or maybe they are just hypocrites?

For example, I often see many liberals come on here and virtue signal that they really like paying higher taxes, that it is their moral patriotic duty. However, when President Trump took away their SALT deduction they became apoplectic. Althea is extremely happy to have his sales tax subsidized by the poor. Now if it were BIG BIDNESS doing it, Althea would be having an aneurysm about it. But, thanks to cognitive dissonance, Althea can roll along as everything is hunky dory.
Could be. Or maybe they are just hypocrites?

For example, I often see many liberals come on here and virtue signal that they really like paying higher taxes, that it is their moral patriotic duty. However, when President Trump took away their SALT deduction they became apoplectic. Althea is extremely happy to have his sales tax subsidized by the poor. Now if it were BIG BIDNESS doing it, Althea would be having an aneurysm about it. But, thanks to cognitive dissonance, Althea can roll along as everything is hunky dory.

I suspect you are correct.