Secret American talks with insurgents break down


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Secret talks in which senior American officials came face-to-face with some of their most bitter enemies in the Iraqi insurgency broke down after two months of meetings, rebel commanders have disclosed.

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Not all insurgents are terrorists, as we have been so consistently reminded by people on this very board.

Wingnuts like Gaffer, Dixie, and other Bush fans have consistently objected to the words "insurgent" or "guerilla", saying that we are fighting terrorists - not insurgents.

I guess Gaffer was wrong, huh? ;)
Gaffer is into religion based or rascist based hatred of all Islamic folks.
A genocidal type of attitude.
Wingnuts like Gaffer, Dixie, and other Bush fans have consistently objected to the words "insurgent" or "guerilla", saying that we are fighting terrorists - not insurgents.

I guess Gaffer was wrong, huh? ;)
Point out a couple of the objections.
I've never objected to the use of those words. Where they apply.

al queda in iraq is not an insurgency. They are thugs, mostly from other countries there to attack US troops and create a sunni-shea war.

sunni baathists and sadr's mahdi army are insurgents. But their fighting each other does not make it a civil war.

There are a few muslims that have stepped forward to condemn the actions of the islamists, but they are few and far between, and they immediately get put on death lists. There are also a number of former muslims that have written books and articles about islam and the all say the same thing, its a religion of hate and conquest. They too are on hit lists. If you leave islam you are subject to the death penalty, period. A fatwa is issued and any muslim that comes across you is required (by the koran) to try to kill you. Such a compassionate religion.
I've never objected to the use of those words. Where they apply.

al queda in iraq is not an insurgency. They are thugs, mostly from other countries there to attack US troops and create a sunni-shea war.

sunni baathists and sadr's mahdi army are insurgents. But their fighting each other does not make it a civil war.



As a loyal Bush fan, I'm quite certain you spent the first twelve months of the war joining Rummy in denying a guerilla war was under way. You probably spent the first 36 months of the war saying that we would find the WMD. And you've spent the entire war trying to label all the insurgents as "terrorists" to justify your war.

Why, it was mere days ago, when you were squeeeling like a stuck pig that the media shouldn't be calling them "insurgents":

-Associated Press: “Baghdad itself resounded with the sound of machine gun fire as Iraqi soldiers clashed with insurgents in the Fadhel neighbourhood, wounding nine people, including three soldiers.”

-Gaffer: “ Three police and nine insurgents. They always fail to call the enemy dead what they are.
The secret talks were probably when the democrats sent representatives to palistine for secret talks with hamas.

No I haven't got any links. haven't been able to verify it yet. Just read about it on some blogs. But appearantly some hamas members have stated it was a fact.

I've never objected to the use of those words. Where they apply.

al queda in iraq is not an insurgency. They are thugs, mostly from other countries there to attack US troops and create a sunni-shea war.

sunni baathists and sadr's mahdi army are insurgents. But their fighting each other does not make it a civil war.

There are a few muslims that have stepped forward to condemn the actions of the islamists, but they are few and far between, and they immediately get put on death lists. There are also a number of former muslims that have written books and articles about islam and the all say the same thing, its a religion of hate and conquest. They too are on hit lists. If you leave islam you are subject to the death penalty, period. A fatwa is issued and any muslim that comes across you is required (by the koran) to try to kill you. Such a compassionate religion.

Who the heck are they insurging against ?