Security Council


God, thinking back, this was just the most ridiculous concept ever. SR wouldn't let anyone but "security council" members see what was happening in the forum because it was a matter of "security". Get it? He was projecting his belief that the liberals were forcing Bush to give away vital state secrets onto a web forum. It's just so absurd I can barely believe it. And his complicated method of separating people into voting in groups was done basically for no other reason than to gerrymander neo-conservatives into power, so he could rubber stamp their ridiculous ideas and give himself an air of legitimacy.

Man this was just such a bad idea, and it was just one of a huge stream of bad ideas he had around the time of the death of that site. F'ing unbelievable.

Also, I tricked my way onto the security council by telling everyone that Immie's election was a given and it would be a waste to vote for him, because I knew that this would mean no one would vote for him. Which would mean he would get passed up and myself and the other serious option on the ballot would get elected.

It was, however, a fucking joke how seriously everyone took themselves there.

Politics destroyed Politics is bad for a nation, we should abolish it.
Which is funny, because admittedly the trolls on this site really suck and don't add much at all. I would say, however, that people like Watermark Grind, Beefy, et. al. who are very tallented at trolling on their serious accounts are probably better at it as a result of interacting with the old trolls from FP and
Which is funny, because admittedly the trolls on this site really suck and don't add much at all. I would say, however, that people like Watermark Grind, Beefy, et. al. who are very tallented at trolling on their serious accounts are probably better at it as a result of interacting with the old trolls from FP and

Thank you. Yes, I am now about 90% troll.

And I'm a mod. A true success story.
Thank you. Yes, I am now about 90% troll.

And I'm a mod. A true success story.

Well, you did take on the partial-moniker of a classic FP troll, so I would expect nothing less than a 90% record from you. Otherwise, I would be demanding you turn in your funnybone, the way so many are demanding you turn in your scrotum...

I would like to think I do a decent job myself...
I thought Beefy was a dropout MOD ? Or was that a ploy to get Grind to MOD status too. Another joint comittee forming in our midst ?
Beefy said that he could no longer keep up with the work required of a mod. So Damo put Grind onboard to pick up the slack. There wasn't really any reason to unmod beefy.