See yall after the election


Villified User
Going to be busy for the next few weeks and am sort of tired of seeing republicans embarress themselves so badly.
So will be back after the election for more fun.
k, thanks will do.
I will look forward to my return to civil discussion among all the extremely reasonable people on here ;)
Going to be busy for the next few weeks and am sort of tired of seeing republicans embarress themselves so badly.
So will be back after the election for more fun.

Make sure to be here for the impeachement proceedings!

j/k. Dems still might not win the House. We'll see.
I figure any big proceedings will be after 2008 election, but I could be suprised. till then I will settle for gridlock.
Going to be busy for the next few weeks and am sort of tired of seeing republicans embarress themselves so badly.
So will be back after the election for more fun.

Well, the election is not far off, so I guess that's ok. But come back please, you make me laugh a lot. Almost as much as Dixie...but that's different.