This one still needs some work
Even then I saw in you who you are now
though you could not see it for yourself.
Your life in crushing tension
the blessings of poverty in the depth of privilege.
But salvation was there
You speak now of how he inspired you to reach higher,
like Sysyphus he tried to bend you to his will
you were unbroken but scarred
While you stared at the heavens looking for renewed hope,
you forgot that small refuge of stability beneath your feet.
There was solid rock in the sea of chaos
but fractured fissured flawed, faultlines hidden deep.
The winds of change soured me, scoured me
exposed the feet of clay, body of clay, head of clay
as solid as straw to be grasped while drowning
but your epiphany came first
I hoped in that moment simply
to feel your gentle touch a little while longer before
you chrysalized knowing you would take flight
and never touch me again
Even then I saw in you who you are now
though you could not see it for yourself.
Your life in crushing tension
the blessings of poverty in the depth of privilege.
But salvation was there
You speak now of how he inspired you to reach higher,
like Sysyphus he tried to bend you to his will
you were unbroken but scarred
While you stared at the heavens looking for renewed hope,
you forgot that small refuge of stability beneath your feet.
There was solid rock in the sea of chaos
but fractured fissured flawed, faultlines hidden deep.
The winds of change soured me, scoured me
exposed the feet of clay, body of clay, head of clay
as solid as straw to be grasped while drowning
but your epiphany came first
I hoped in that moment simply
to feel your gentle touch a little while longer before
you chrysalized knowing you would take flight
and never touch me again