Self regulation fails again, Consumer Product Safety Commission requests funding


Will work for Scooby snacks
To be fair, maybe the Consumer Protection Agency shouldn't get more funding. More enforcement and inspections may not be the answer. Maybe if we got rid of all regulation and inspection, the market would take care of it.

Safety agency seeks more funds after toy recall

Request to Congress comes after Mattel recalled 1.5 million playthings

Updated: 4:52 p.m. PT Sept 19, 2007
WASHINGTON - Leaders of the agency responsible for protecting consumers from faulty products said Wednesday that Congress should increase their budget and power in the wake of huge recalls of lead-contaminated toys.

The testimony from Consumer Product Safety Commission officials came as Mattel Inc., producer of 1.5 million of the 13.2 million toys recalled in the past month, said its tests found lead levels in paint in recalled toys as high as 200 times the accepted safety ceiling — 110,000 parts per million versus 600.