Senate prediction!


Well-known member
Okay I am going to give a prediction/guess on the new makeup of the Senate. Now if I am wrong, I admit ahead of time, this is only a guess and I might be incorrect... so I dont want to see all kinda threads about how I am so burned!

Okay I predict it will end up...

49 seats to the Republicans
49 seats to the Democrats
2 seats to Independents who will caucuss with the Democrats.

.... Giving control of the senate to the DEMOCRATS!
I'll give all my predictions one day before election day.

I'll update my prediction one day before election day. The further out you call the more credit you get if you are correct, so if I dont change my prediction...
I will just wait and see what happens.

I'm with you us, I am weary of trying to guess with the public.....public opinion changes so much and so fast nowadays. I mean, there are a few here that are set in stone as to how they'll vote because they have studied the politics and the politicians, but even at that there are some here even who probably will change their minds between now and then. The general populice doesn't look so closely at the election until election day......or the day before. Until then, I'll just read and listen.....and when the decision is made I'll say, "kay sarah sarah"..........with the same accent as Barney Fife.
I Predict it will be 52 to 48, in favor of the Rs, after the two independants caucus with the Democrats.
One week out and I am hanging my prediction...

50-50.... Cheney breaking the tie!
I am guessing Democrats will gain 17 seats in the house... thus taking the lead by 2...
How many congressional seats open in 08 ?
Nov is just the opening round.

It's nearly always the same. All seats in the House and 1/3 in the Senate. So there is one year in six when 34 seats are chosen in the Senate. But most of those House and Senate seats are so tied up that unlike this year, when only about 10 were could even remotely be seen as in contention, most years the number is four or five in the Senate and maybe 10-15 in the House in a good year.
Maybe, I think the Senate is likely out of reach... but I still think the House could come home!
If I recall you were trying to get BILLO to make a prediction yesterday and you said something about him seeking cover after the election. The key to making predictions is to make one and stick with it; you made about five or six and they were all over the place. I made one, and yesterday when all of you Democrat supporters started melting down and claiming that the Dems would not and could not take the Senate I became agitated and frustrated and said the Dems would take both the House nad the Senate. I was overly optimistic in my original prediction because I predicted the Dems would have 52 Senate seats. I missed by one. But at least I stuck to my guns when everybody else was melting down and running for cover or making miserably low predictions that were so conservative they sounded like they were coming from Karl Rove. Turns out that at Pat Buchanan and Jos Scarborough were both deadly accurate. They too were pooh-poohed here as conspiractors who were giving false hope to Dems in order to demoralize them after the election. Meanwhile I took their statements for what they were, accurate analysis of the conditions on the ground.

Question: Why were you people so scared of the possibility of Democrats taking the House and the Senate??? If not scared what exactly was driving these irrational reactions to the news that Democrats were poised to take both Houses of Congress????