Senate pulling an all nighter. Are you watching?


We are not amused
You can watch it live on cspan.

Lieberman just spoke. He will vote against the amendment.

Senator Sherrod Brown is speaking now.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Frustrated by Republican efforts to block votes on bringing American combat troops home from Iraq, Senate Democratic leaders rolled out sleeping cots Tuesday for an all-night debate on the war.

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called the overnight session to highlight a GOP filibuster preventing the Senate from voting on an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill that would bring U.S. combat troops home by next spring.

"Republicans are using a filibuster to block us from even voting on an amendment that could bring the war to a responsible end," Reid said on the Senate floor Tuesday after Republicans had blocked a request for unanimous approval of the measure.

"They are protecting the president rather than protecting our troops. They are denying us an up-or-down -- yes or no -- vote on the most important issue our country faces.

"We have no choice but to stay in session to continue speaking out on behalf of our troops and all Americans, to continue requesting consent for an up-or-down vote on our amendment to end the war."
They are having scheduled votes in order to get a quorum so they can continue the all nighter. Republicans are trying to block the vote by demanding 60 votes to pass the amendment to the bill....Democrats want a 51 majority. So they are debating all night to try to get the amendment passed that will bring the troops home.
They are having scheduled votes in order to get a quorum so they can continue the all nighter. Republicans are trying to block the vote by demanding 60 votes to pass the amendment to the bill....Democrats want a 51 majority. So they are debating all night to try to get the amendment passed that will bring the troops home.

I thought they were all about up or down votes...funny how it works when the shoe is on the other foot!