Senate Republicans Block Medicare Drug Price Negotiating Bill


Villified User
Senate Republicans Block Medicare Drug Price Negotiating Bill

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

WASHINGTON — The Senate blocked legislation on Wednesday that would let the government negotiate Medicaredrug prices. Democrats couldn't muster the 60 votes needed to bring the bill up for a vote.

Under the Medicare drug benefit, private insurance plans negotiate with drug makers over the price of medicine for their customers. About 22 million seniors and the disabled are enrolled in such plans. Some lawmakers, mostly Democrats, contend the government could use its leverage to drive a better bargain than individual insurers, which would lower the cost of the program for taxpayers and seniors.

But Republicans countered Wednesday that the program is costing much less than expected precisely because it's the private sector, not the secretary of Health and Human Services, conducting the negotiations. They successfully blocked a motion to proceed to the bill. The tally was 55-42, five short of the votes needed to move ahead,2933,266708,00.html

Yeah right the republicans cost estimates on the pill bill have been so accurate so far....