Senator Clinton Really IMpressed me last night.


Well-known member
She was not shrill...

She was not bitchy...

She has great insight into forign affairs.

She has well thoughtout plans for America.

She will have Bill Clinton as a great asset.
Seem to me She had a really good night and most of the pundants seemed to agree.

The shrill thing is just so very sexist.

It seems to me the right forgets that over half of voters are Female.
Uh Desh...

Seem to me She had a really good night and most of the pundants seemed to agree.

The shrill thing is just so very sexist.

It seems to me the right forgets that over half of voters are Female.

The point being most do not have a aversion to a female becoming President..hell I have daughters and grandaughters..but damn Hillary is not the right one..she is a self serving how should I say it...forgive me a 'Bitch' and a fraud...end of story!
Yeap[ there you go with more of the sexist bullshit which will do nothing but accent how the right sees women and shrilland bitchy if they dont stay in their place.

Good job

Yeap[ there you go with more of the sexist bullshit which will do nothing but accent how the right sees women and shrilland bitchy if they dont stay in their place.

Good job

And you know me personally? I think not..I am for the record a 'Ultra Conservative'...a lost art!...Sorry but Hillary is not one any real woman would want to be represented by....she is a fraud and 'wishy washee'...her hubbies administration was plagued by fraud(Travel expenses) and what about the demise of their close to the heart advisor who comitted 'suicide' supposedly over the 'Whitewater' incident...using a 'antique revolver'(Hard to trase)...gimme a break past experience as a investigator smells a stink! Hillary is self serving and a 'Socialist'(Commie) and does and say's whatever it takes to snow y'all...need I say more...really now!
well your "nose " seems to have shut down along with the R congresses when it come to Republican corruption
Not true....

well your "nose " seems to have shut down along with the R congresses when it come to Republican corruption

I am neither a GOP or DNC..I am a registered 'American Independent' I hit both sides of the aisle...go back and check out my previous post hitting both sides....research before ya condemn...fair is fair no?
Hillary did great. So did all of them, except the angry old man. He's just there for comic relief I guess. I like all the Dem candidates. Biden was especially good. My picks are Obama, Biden, Hillary, Dodd. I'd be happy with any combination of those. I think they and Richardson and Edwards should be appointed to some cabinet position by the next Democrat President in 2008.

My favorite two parts were when Biden explained how to get rid of earmarks by campaign finance reform.

And Dodd when he said the first thing he would do is restore our constitutional rights. That debate clip is not on yourtube, but here he is discussing it.
She was not shrill...

She was not bitchy...

She has great insight into forign affairs.

She has well thoughtout plans for America.

She will have Bill Clinton as a great asset.

It's a good thing to have that pollster speaking in an earbud to you at all times, eh? Obviously impressed you, Ms. robot.
In my mind one thing is certain. I cannot see how she could screw up things any worse that Bush has.
I don't care much for Hillary, but as usual it is a choice of the least dangerous candidate, not the best one.
My friend in New York just "shot" her and said she was very personable during the photo session.