Senator Linda "Poutrage" Graham's utter hypocrisy on politicizing SCOTUS nomination


Senator Linda "Poutrage" Graham's utter hypocrisy on politicizing SCOTUS nomination

Linda Graham just gave birth to stinky 10 lb wad of phony self-righteousness over how the Democrats are playing politics with the SCOTUS nomination, while two years ago, he was playing the same game.

Graham heaps praise on Garland, won't budge on hearings

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) heaped praise for Merrick Garland after meeting privately with the Supreme Court nominee on Wednesday, but said he won’t change his mind on not moving his nomination this year.

Graham, a member of the Judiciary Committee, said he told Garland that despite his credentials, the Senate won’t act on replacing deceased Justice Antonin Scalia until a new president is elected in November.

Graham is the latest of several Republican senators who've held courtesy meetings with the Supreme Court nominee, only to reiterate the party line that no one will be confirmed during this election year.

Fucking hypocrite scumbag, limp-wristed pansy.
Linda Graham just gave birth to stinky 10 lb wad of phony self-righteousness over how the Democrats are playing politics with the SCOTUS nomination, while two years ago, he was playing the same game.

Fucking hypocrite scumbag, limp-wristed pansy.

Ironic seeing a self proclaimed elitist lefty hurl homophobic slurs while emoting like a whiny little bitch on the rag. But alas, you lack the intelligence to comprehend the obvious. :rofl2:

Linda Graham just gave birth to stinky 10 lb wad of phony self-righteousness over how the Democrats are playing politics with the SCOTUS nomination, while two years ago, he was playing the same game.

Fucking hypocrite scumbag, limp-wristed pansy.

The only hypocrisy on the Garland situation was from the left when they wanted to ignore the standard their own VP said was how things should be done.