Senator Paul Is Wrong On One Point


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Paul also portrayed Fauci as a wannabe philosopher who spins "noble lies."

He told Fox News' Laura Ingraham: "You have to remember that his lies are noble lies, Laura. He's not telling you this because he’s a mean man."

"He's telling you this because he feels sorry for you because you don't understand, and Americans aren't smart enough to make an informed decision. So, he fashions himself some sort of Greek philosopher. He tells you these noble lies."

'Throw away your masks and burn your vaccine passport': Rand Paul
By WND News Services
Published April 13, 2021 at 5:54pm

There is nothing noble about Fauci lying for the money:

I know Fauci made a small fortune using the power of government to force tens of millions of Americans to wear masks. Getting a buck for every mask manufactured and sold is big money.

I do not know how much Fauci raked in protecting Big Pharma selling HIV-AIDS treatments.

As director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Fauci has grappled with major public health crises, including the AIDS epidemic, Zika, Ebola and now COVID-19. He is also the recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, awarded by President George W. Bush in 2008.

Bobby Kennedy gave his life for this country. His son would make him proud.

It’s unbelievable that a group would give Dr. Fauci an honor in Bobby Kennedy’s name.

UNBELIEVABLE: In New Interview Bobby Kennedy Jr. Claims Dr. Fauci will Make Millions on Coronavirus Vaccine and Owns Half the Patent
By Joe Hoft
Published August 3, 2020 at 9:54pm

Finally, the moneygrubber will remain the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease forever for three reasons:

1. President Trump proved that no president has the courage to fire him.

2. The United Nations protects Fauci’s job.


3. Fauci will always be a god to federal government parasites irrespective of how long he tells lies.

scientists keeping patents they developed on the public dime is one of the most disgusting examples of fascism/privatization.

any libertarians want to comment?

is this justifiable cuz muh "incentives for hard work"?
Rand is wrong on ONE point?

That's like saying that the rusted out Hudson Hornet that somebody left by the side of Route 3 is not hitting on one cylinder.