Senator Sanders moves to block more US arms for genocidal Jews.


Satire for Sanity
If not for the greed and arrogance of Billary- Sanders would have been president and El Trumpo would still be a seedy misogynistic racist getting his ass slapped with rolled up porn mags in Stormy's Whiplash Grotto.

NEWS: Sanders and Colleagues Move to Block Arms Sales to Israel

September 25, 2024
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today introduced Joint Resolutions of Disapproval to block the sale of more than $20 billion in offensive U.S. weaponry to Israel. Sanders spoke last week on the Senate floor about why the sales must not move forward and today issued the following statement:

Today, with colleagues, I introduced Joint Resolutions of Disapproval seeking to block certain arms sales to Israel. The Senate will vote on these resolutions when it reconvenes in November. Let me explain why these arms sales must not proceed.

Israel clearly had the right to respond to Hamas’ horrific terrorist attack on October 7th, which killed 1,200 innocent Israelis and took hundreds of hostages. But Prime Minister Netanyahu’s extremist government has not simply waged war against Hamas. It has waged all-out war against the Palestinian people, killing more than 41,000 Palestinians and injuring more than 95,000 – 60 percent of whom are women, children, or elderly people. Netanyahu has bombed hospitals and schools, starved children, destroyed infrastructure and housing stock, and made life unlivable in Gaza. The United States must end its complicity in this atrocity.
