Senator Ted Stevens, Ph.D, weighs in on global warming


Will work for Scooby snacks
Ted Stevens, United States Senator and noted Climate scientist, explains to us what's going on with the global climate:

Stevens, while acknowledging the impact of global climate change, said he believes the worst may be over.

"We're at the end of a long, long term of warming. 700 to 900 years of increased temperature, a very slow increase. We think we're close to the end of that. If we're close to the end of that, that means that we'll starting getting cooler gradually, not very rapidly, but cooler once again and stability might come to this region for a period of another 900 years," Stevens said.

In explaining to KTUU why he had softened his previous hard-line stance on global warming, Stevens said:

"Evolved to the point, I think there is a contribution of mankind to the warming cycle. But I've also been convinced now by our scientists that that the basic cycle itself is a natural one that been going on as I said for 700 to 900 years and we have to learn to live with that," Stevens said.
Ted Stevens, United States Senator and noted Climate scientist, explains to us what's going on with the global climate:

Stevens, while acknowledging the impact of global climate change, said he believes the worst may be over.

In explaining to KTUU why he had softened his previous hard-line stance on global warming, Stevens said:

Stevens is senile. The investigations he is going through have finally broke the man's mind. It wasn't that sharp to begin with.
Do you think he's going to make it Frog? What is the buzz there in Alaska?

The name recognition is what has gotten him voted in last time.

I think people are pretty tired of the corruption.

He has been able to bring home a lot of bacon for Alaskans. Anchorage always votes against him, but it is the Bush communities what keep him in office. The same with Don Young.

They are both under investigation, so I think that will have a lot to do with it.

He also seems to be losing it lately and it is more noticeable than ever before.

I always hope, but Alaska is very conservative in some ways and doesn't like change!

The bridge to nowhere was an embarrassment that people haven't forgotten!
Facts are darned inconvenient. Especially when put into print.

Froggie. Please elaborate on the "bridge to nowhere" embaressment from an Alaskans perspective. who was embaressed and why ? just curious.
Facts are darned inconvenient. Especially when put into print.

Froggie. Please elaborate on the "bridge to nowhere" embaressment from an Alaskans perspective. who was embaressed and why ? just curious.

$223 million was allocated from the US budget to build a bridge to Gravina Island
from Ketchikan.

This was at the time of Hurricane Katrina.

There is a ferry system that services Ketchikan and Gravina. Ketchikans population is below 9,000 and Gravina's is like below 100. It was pure pork!

To be the recipient of pork when the Gulf Coast was hurting was embarrassing! The amount of money was embarrassing. The small population served by such a deal is an embarrassment. The fact that the Iraq occupation was going on and the soldiers didn't even have proper equipment!

The money was returned and put to good use in NO!

We are looked at as spoiled children anyway, it just re-enforced the image.
Thanks Froggie, I was hoping it was that way. I have liked all Alaskans I have known. I like the attitude of the rural NW US and Alaskaand western Canada. Pretty much self sufficient and do have a good sense of personal responsibility.
Overall good people.
Thanks Froggie, I was hoping it was that way. I have liked all Alaskans I have known. I like the attitude of the rural NW US and Alaskaand western Canada. Pretty much self sufficient and do have a good sense of personal responsibility.
Overall good people.

One of the reasons I have been here so long! thanks yourself.
$223 million was allocated from the US budget to build a bridge to Gravina Island
from Ketchikan.

This was at the time of Hurricane Katrina.

There is a ferry system that services Ketchikan and Gravina. Ketchikans population is below 9,000 and Gravina's is like below 100. It was pure pork!

To be the recipient of pork when the Gulf Coast was hurting was embarrassing! The amount of money was embarrassing. The small population served by such a deal is an embarrassment. The fact that the Iraq occupation was going on and the soldiers didn't even have proper equipment!

The money was returned and put to good use in NO!

We are looked at as spoiled children anyway, it just re-enforced the image.

I've never heard the spoiled children reference before regarding Alaskans. Did that come from the oil money you receive?
I've never heard the spoiled children reference before regarding Alaskans. Did that come from the oil money you receive?

Yes and that you help make fat! We are going to get another big check this year!
Well, I mean...

Alaska DOES get a lot of pork. And it ain't exactly poor.

But our government system really encourages that. The senate can amend any funding bill from the house, and so, basically, has as much finance power as the house. So every state gets pork per a person from the house, and every state gets an equal amount of pork from the senate. This is compounded with states so small they don't even really "deserve" a seat in the house, like Alaska, but are required to be provided one.

Federalism yay.