Senators who OK'd war didn't read key report


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Records: Senators who OK'd war didn't read key report
POSTED: 7:25 a.m. EDT, May 29, 2007
Story Highlights
• Hillary Clinton, John McCain and most others in Congress didn't read document
• Newspaper: Six senators, a few House members logged as reading report
• Most in Congress were briefed several times, read summary of report
• Report was wrong about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A new biography of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has once again raised the issue of whether members of Congress read a key intelligence report before the 2002 vote to authorize war in Iraq.

Clinton did not read the 90-page, classified National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq, according to "Her Way: The Hopes and Ambitions of Hillary Rodham Clinton."

For members of Congress to read the report, they had to go to a secure location on Capitol Hill. The Washington Post reported in 2004 that no more than six senators and a handful of House members were logged as reading the document.
I guarantee you that most senators and representatives NEVER read long, technical reports prepared by a government agency.

At best, they'll read the executive summary, and have staff read it and brief them on it, when appropriate. I don't know whether most of these senators ordered their staff to review the report, and brief them on it.

I'm more pissed off that there wasn't a real debate on the floor of congress about the merits of going to war. I didn't need to read the NIE to know the intelligence was dubious, and that Saddam was not operationally connected to al qaeda. All I did was read independent and foreign media.
It was a fear driven rush to war, that is not technically a war. If we had slowed down long enough to think we would not be in Iraq now.
I guarantee you that most senators and representatives NEVER read long, technical reports prepared by a government agency.

At best, they'll read the executive summary, and have staff read it and brief them on it, when appropriate. I don't know whether most of these senators ordered their staff to review the report, and brief them on it.

I'm more pissed off that there wasn't a real debate on the floor of congress about the merits of going to war. I didn't need to read the NIE to know the intelligence was dubious, and that Saddam was not operationally connected to al qaeda. All I did was read independent and foreign media.
This was a war vote, those who didn't read the report seriously need to be removed from office.
My thoughts exactly Damo. I would be fired from my job for similiar actions.

I do haver to wonder though how much time they were given to review the document. As I recall there was no real time allowed for debate or discussion. Strike while the Iron is hot kind of thing.
My thoughts exactly Damo. I would be fired from my job for similiar actions.

I do haver to wonder though how much time they were given to review the document. As I recall there was no real time allowed for debate or discussion. Strike while the Iron is hot kind of thing.
There was weeks leading up to this, when the report was there to read, where there was the back-and-forth with an ending where Bush promised only to use it at great need and to push Saddam into playing ball.... (IMO only the foolish believed that tripe, it is one of the reasons that I thought that Kerry was either as dishonest as Bush or the stupidest man in DC).

It is a good point, who are the stupidest ? The moron leading or those following the moron.

They all read the reports on both sides of the aisle...then they weighed the political gain...and now must suffer the consequences...there were wmds,and a real threat..however the threat should have gone to Iran..but hey I am just a former grunt kinda soldier..albeit I went on to be a Intelligence Officer later in life...mistakes were we have to prosecute the War on Terror as a War..not a police action...just a thought... as I worked both as a soldier and a LE officer..."Apples and Oranges"..folks!
They did not read the reports that is the point of this thread.
10% or less read the report it would appear.

They did not read the reports that is the point of this thread.
10% or less read the report it would appear.

This is just pure hype..both sides of the Isle read the reports and weighed the political gain...sometimes people are just plain wrong...and must suffer the those on 'committees' don't read reports...right...they just 'Party Hardy'

Pure hype ? they have a record of all who accessed the report.

Post it ...and prove what you are saying...I respect you for your service in 'Nam'...and you have the right... since you were there... to form your own opinion on War...I have mine you have yours...but pa-lease don't go down the dirty road of buying into hype and miss-information to get laid...OKAY???
There are 15 Senators at a minimum that should read all the intel reports. Those that serve on the Senate Select committee on Intelligence have the responsibility to read these reports and then convey to their respective parties a summarized version. At the time the Iraq war began there would have been 8 Reps and 7 Dems on that committee.

Republicans Democrats

Pat Roberts, Kansas Chairman John D. Rockefeller IV, W.Virginia Vice
Orrin G. Hatch, Utah Carl Levin, Michigan
Mike DeWine, Ohio Dianne Feinstein, California
Christopher S. Bond, Missouri Ron Wyden, Oregon
Trent Lott, Mississippi Richard Durbin, Illinois
Olympia J. Snowe, Maine Evan Bayh, Indiana
Chuck Hagel, Nebraska John Edwards, North Carolina
Saxby Chambliss, Georgia Barbara Mikulski, Maryland
John Warner, Virginia
"I do haver to wonder though how much time they were given to review the document. As I recall there was no real time allowed for debate or discussion. Strike while the Iron is hot kind of thing."

Really? I seem to recall the US spending several months talking about going into Iraq and trying to get the Security Council to approve. They had plenty of time to read the intel. But they were all probably too busy lining their pockets to worry about such a simple thing as national security.
Post it ...and prove what you are saying...I respect you for your service in 'Nam'...and you have the right... since you were there... to form your own opinion on War...I have mine you have yours...but pa-lease don't go down the dirty road of buying into hype and miss-information to get laid...OKAY???

read the story at the link.