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A cruise ship had to be quarantined in St Lucia's port after a case of measles was confirmed on board.

Health officials docked the cruise ship, which was carrying 300 passengers, on Monday after discovering a female crew member had contracted the disease.

According to NBC, officials declined to name the ship, but Sgt Victor Theodore from St Lucia's Coast Guard said it was called the 'Freewinds' - the same name as a 440-foot ship owned and operated by the Church of Scientology.

Cruise ship 'owned by Church of Scientology' and carrying nearly 300 people is quarantined in St. Lucia after health officials confirm a female crew member has measles
By Reporter
Published: 16:55 EDT, 1 May 2019 | Updated: 09:38 EDT, 2 May 2019

Not only is Upchuck Schumer wrong about everything, he is a con artist. Remember this publicity grab:

Sen. Charles Schumer is calling on the cruise ship industry to adopt a "bill of rights'' to guarantee passengers certain protections while aboard their ships.

Schumer says Sunday he'll be asking industry leaders to voluntarily adopt the guidelines which include guarantees that ships have sanitary conditions, back-up power, medical staff and other standard procedures.

Schumer's plan would also include the right to a full refund if a trip is abruptly canceled due to mechanical problems.

In the past two months at least three ships carrying U.S. passengers on cruises have experienced problems, including power failures.

The senator is also calling on the Secretary of State to negotiate with countries that host cruise ships with U.S. passengers to adopt the rights.

Schumer calls for cruise ship bill of rights
Last Updated: 12:25 PM, March 17, 2013
Posted: 12:25 PM, March 17, 2013

I guess Schumer played hooky the day vessels under foreign flags was taught. Democrats do not give a rat’s ass about the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution; nevertheless, I gave Schumer the benefit of the doubt and said he is worried about passengers on cruise ships. If that was true the only thing he had to do was push Congress to notify every company that their ships will NOT be allowed to dock in American ports until they clean up their act. Hell, then-President Obama could have dashed off one of his executive orders instructing the appropriate bureaucracies to implement the restriction.

Naturally, nothing ever came from Upchuck’s big wind.

Instead of trying to get a little publicity for himself Upchuck Schumer should have looked into this:


Q - my vessel is healthy and I request free pratique

Questions: Why are filthy ships granted pratique in the first place? Does a little money change hands?

Incidentally, I remember government officials in many foreign countries coming aboard cargo vessels with their hands out. Pratique was not granted until a few palms were greased.