Sent a memo to Damocles


Willin to be Chillin
If he approves of Drunktard Billy's shit.... Then I'm probably done with this board. The Damocles I knew would never allow this.
not a current event, also if you are referring to the thread title thing, that was me, not billy. because again, not a current event. We change lots of peoples threads titles when people put stuff in the wrong place. I ask you to not be buttyurt about this. it's a light tease because you suck at putting threads in the right area. lets not make this bigger than it has to be with a full spergout. be chill. thank you.

I never made the OP

you must have been reallly really stoned. I hope it was good stuff. I recently got a cart that is like some absurd high 80's number. It just gave me another existential crisis. I have learned, very strong indicas are no longer my friend. They have utterly betrayed me.
If he approves of Drunktard Billy's shit.... Then I'm probably done with this board. The Damocles I knew would never allow this.

Didn't you tell everybody a while back you were leaving? Is this going to be another broken promise?
Still here....broken promises all over the place...don't you hate that?

hahahaha ... not really. It probably just shows how addicting these Chat Rooms are. :)
People say they are going to leave .... but never do.
Top o' the morning. 'Hump Day' for those that are still into 'working for a living'. :)
..and National Chocolate Pudding Day...Nothing like real Chocolate Pudding with Real whipped cream:) The box stuff should be banned....
..and National Chocolate Pudding Day...Nothing like real Chocolate Pudding with Real whipped cream:) The box stuff should be banned....

Hate to sound like a Loser, but I don't know if I have ever ate 'pudding'?
Hate to sound like a Loser, but I don't know if I have ever ate 'pudding'?
Oh, no....I'm almost at a loss for words...and sad for you....
Do you know any Real cooks? If not, I'll ask our old friend from Amazon is she knows where to get it in NO....I'm sure there's some somewhere;)
Oh, no....I'm almost at a loss for words...and sad for you....
Do you know any Real cooks? If not, I'll ask our old friend from Amazon is she knows where to get it in NO....I'm sure there's some somewhere;)

Do REAL MEN eat 'pudding'? (asking for a friend)