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One night at the biker bar, they hired a Hypnotist to come in and entertain the crowd. The Hypnotist was young for his profession, with long hair, and he dressed like a hippie. He wore torn bluejeans, a tie-died shirt, and sandals on his bare feet. He introduced himself, and began by asking for volunteers.

Some of the bikers raised their hands, eager to participate, and make a fool of this kid. He carefully picked out seven of the biggest burliest men from the rowdy crowd, and invited them to sit in a row of chairs spread across the stage.

The hippie hypnotist then asked for silence, and began to hypnotize the seven men. He talked calmly and asked them all to close their eyes. As he did this he laughed to himself at the thought of what he would have them do. The crowd was sure to get a good laugh at these big men as they parade around the stage, clucking like chickens and such.

All seven bikers, though some skeptical, fell pray to his soothing voice. When they were all in a deep trance, and instructed to obey his every command, he suddenly dropped the heavy microphone, and it landed squarely on his right foot, hammering his bare toes.

"F*CK ME!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

What happened next will haunt me for the rest of my life.