Serious question about Godwin's law

If mentioning Hitler loses me the argument, does mentioning Churchill automatically win it?

Yes. Next question. The same holds true for Margaret Thatcher as well, and mentioning the Kaiser will get you disembowled. Of course, you strike me as a masochist anyway, so it may not matter to mention it...
Yes. Next question. The same holds true for Margaret Thatcher as well, and mentioning the Kaiser will get you disembowled. Of course, you strike me as a masochist anyway, so it may not matter to mention it...

No, you lose doubly if you mention Thatcher or Reagan.
If you can unequivocably show that Ronald Reagan would have been on your side, you are inherently victorious.
A neocon mostly.
imho ronnie was the founder of the neocon movement along with Newt and a few others.

Ronnie is responsible for drawing the neocons and populists into the GOP. That doesn't make him one. He is reverred by both tradcons and neocons though...

I call it "the problem with ex's: how former democrats are ruining the republican party." Look for it on Amazon in the distant future...