Serious question for liberals on here.......

Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country, the USA. We have THE best economy we've ever had, unemployment rates are historically low across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being stemmed somewhat and our country is becoming safer as a result. And STILL you're miserable. Why is that? It doesn't make sense.
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country, the USA. We have THE best economy we've ever had, unemployment rates are historically low across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being stemmed somewhat and our country is becoming safer as a result. And STILL you're miserable. Why is that? It doesn't make sense.

People like you are allowed to wander about freely in America. Trumpanzees are not being purged. That alone defines us as a nation requiring serious adjustments.
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country, the USA. We have THE best economy we've ever had, unemployment rates are historically low across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being stemmed somewhat and our country is becoming safer as a result. And STILL you're miserable. Why is that? It doesn't make sense.

Why are you pulling assumptions out of your ass?
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country, the USA. We have THE best economy we've ever had, unemployment rates are historically low across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being stemmed somewhat and our country is becoming safer as a result. And STILL you're miserable. Why is that? It doesn't make sense.

We're not. Stop getting your news from Fox.
And America isn't the greatest country, this isn't the best economy we've ever had, and unemployment isn't historically low. Again, turn off Fox.
Your assumption that Democratic voters are "miserable" renders the rest of your question moot. Just like any other group of ppl on this planet, some in our ranks are unhappy (with life, health, marriage, job, politics, etc.), but most of us are just fine. Unfortunately the rest of your assumptions are also skewed.

"If you encounter one asshole during your day, chances are he really is an asshole. But if almost everyone you encounter is an asshole, chances are they're not -- the asshole is you." -- some old wise guy

Are *you* happy, Steve? Do you display your contentment by coming to an obscure politics forum on a major holiday to argue with ppl? :laugh:

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Your assumption that Democratic voters are "miserable" renders the rest of your question moot. Just like any other group of ppl on this planet, some in our ranks are unhappy (with life, health, marriage, job, politics, etc.), but most of us are just fine. Unfortunately the rest of your assumptions are also skewed.

"If you encounter one asshole during your day, chances are he really is an asshole. But if almost everyone you encounter is an asshole, chances are they're not -- the asshole is you." -- some old wise guy

Are *you* happy, Steve? Do you display your contentment by coming to an obscure politics forum on a major holiday to argue with ppl? :laugh:

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

I'm a VERY happy person, TOW. I love my country, my friends and relatives, our two cats, and most of all, MYSELF. It took me a long time to do the latter, but thanks to my belief in GOD, I've come to terms with MYSELF and accept my life despite all my imperfections. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Why are you so damned miserable? We live in the greatest country, the USA. We have THE best economy we've ever had, unemployment rates are historically low across the board. Illegal immigration is FINALLY being stemmed somewhat and our country is becoming safer as a result. And STILL you're miserable. Why is that? It doesn't make sense.

The President is a pervert embarrassment to the world.
I'm a VERY happy person, TOW. I love my country, my friends and relatives, our two cats, and most of all, MYSELF. It took me a long time to do the latter, but thanks to my belief in GOD, I've come to terms with MYSELF and accept my life despite all my imperfections. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Sometimes it can take us nearly a life time to accept ourselves. Congratulations.