Seven States have NO LIMIT on When an Unborn Baby Can Be Murdered. Trump is Correct...again

New Jersey, Vermont, Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon, DC, Alaska..

Like most Democrats, Mumbling, Bumbling Biden doesn't know WTF he's babbling about.

How late into pregnancy abortion is allowed

"In New Jersey, abortion is legal at all stages of pregnancy."

trump's never correct. All stages of pregnancy means still unborn. trump claims babies can be "aborted" after they're born. Apparently neither you nor trump know the definition of abortion: "Any of various procedures that result in the termination of a pregnancy."

A live birth is the termination of a pregnancy also.
"In New Jersey, abortion is legal at all stages of pregnancy."

trump's never correct. All stages of pregnancy means still unborn. trump claims babies can be "aborted" after they're born. Apparently neither you nor trump know the definition of abortion: "Any of various procedures that result in the termination of a pregnancy."

A live birth is the termination of a pregnancy also.
Which includes partial birth abortion, which IS PERFORMED IN NEW JERSEY.

Familiar with the details?

Birth is induced, and the baby is murdered when partially out of the birth canal.

Unadulterated barbarism.

Now, spin that.

Which includes partial birth abortion, which IS PERFORMED IN NEW JERSEY.

Familiar with the details?

Birth is induced, and the baby is murdered when partially out of the birth canal.

Unadulterated barbarism.

Now, spin that.

Yep, Bloodbath Biden LIED again. :palm:
The claim that Trump is a constant liar with the morals of a ally cat go nowhere with me....when I hear that I know that the speaker is unlikely worth listening to.
Trump can be rough on the edges but push come to shove, he has a good heart.
Now this may be a tall tale but an afro-American tree trimmer back in So Fla once told be that he was rolled one night after the bar in Palm Beach county. He said that Trump in his limo saw him on the side of the road and picked him and his girlfriend up and drove them home.
Trump can be rough on the edges but push come to shove, he has a good heart.
Now this may be a tall tale but an afro-American tree trimmer back in So Fla once told be that he was rolled one night after the bar in Palm Beach county. He said that Trump in his limo saw him on the side of the road and picked him and his girlfriend up and drove them home.
A similar incident ...

"At least that was reportedly the case in November 1991, when Trump was on his way to a Paula Abdul concert in his limo and saw a man being pummeled on an unidentified Manhattan street. “The man was getting beaten with a baseball bat, but no one did a thing until the limo drove up and Super Donald leaped out,” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported."
