Severe weather conditions in 13 Chinese regions; Biden: May release intel report on v


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Severe weather conditions in 13 Chinese regions; Biden: May release intel report on virus origins


Heavy rain, hail, and strong winds are sweeping through 13 of China’s provinces. It marks the start of this year’s flood season. Long lines to get tested for the CCP virus grow in Guangzhou city. Fears over the variant first found in India are still on the rise. The origins of the CCP-virus continues to puzzle the world about exactly where it came from. But the U.S. may soon release more information in the coming months. In a tit-for-tat move, Beijing evens the score on America’s recent sanctions. The Communist regime is now targeting former commissioner of “the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom” Johnnie Moore. And more financial penalties levied on Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai. Hong Kong authorities under Beijing’s thumb are threatening two major banks with jail time, if they do business with Lai’s accounts.