Sex abuse victims' advocates go after Southern Baptists


Villified User
Sex abuse victims' advocates go after Southern Baptists
POSTED: 5:37 p.m. EST, February 21, 2007

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AP) -- The victims' advocates who dogged the Roman Catholic Church over sex abuse by its clergy have now turned their attention to the Southern Baptists, accusing America's largest Protestant denomination of also failing to root out molesters.

The Chicago-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests has started a campaign to call attention to alleged sex abuse committed by Southern Baptist ministers and concealed by churches.

SNAP presented a letter Monday to Southern Baptist Convention executive committee members in Nashville, asking the group to adopt a zero-tolerance policy on sex abuse and to create an independent review board to investigate molestation reports.

Church leaders concede there have been some incidents of abuse in Southern Baptist congregations, but say their hands are tied when it comes to investigating complaints across the denomination.
40 cases of alleged abuse

Unlike the Catholic Church, with its rigid hierarchy, Baptist churches are independent. They make their own decisions about hiring ministers and conducting investigations, Baptist leaders say.

"They don't want to see this problem," said Christa Brown, a SNAP member from Austin, Texas, who says she was sexually abused as a child by a Southern Baptist minister. "That's tragic because they're imitating the same mistakes made by Catholic bishops."

In the past six months SNAP has received reports of about 40 cases of sexual abuse by Southern Baptist ministers -- with some of the incidents dating back many years, Brown said.
"They don't want to see this problem," said Christa Brown, a SNAP member from Austin, Texas, who says she was sexually abused as a child by a Southern Baptist minister. "That's tragic because they're imitating the same mistakes made by Catholic bishops."

Idiots. Plain and simple. Protect your children, turn these jerks in every time you find them, deny them, send them to prison, help the authorities end this abuse. Do not ever, ever allow a member of a Church do this to children for any reason, never attempt to hide any such allegations.

This is what a church should do if one of their leaders are accused of such activity.
Agreed Damo, I have a problem understanding why an "Christian" would protect another who does this kind of sicko stuff.

With forgiveness of sins and brotherly love (no pun intended), etc , Churches are the perfect place for sickos to hide. This is very unfortunate...