Sex problems high among pot smokers


MEN who regularly smoke cannabis may be prematurely stubbing out their sex lives, Australian research shows.

Men who smoked pot daily were found to be four times more likely to have trouble reaching orgasm than men who did not inhale, according to the La Trobe University study.

Other daily male cannabis smokers experienced premature ejaculation at nearly three times the rate of non-smokers.

Professor Anthony Smith says while the habit often had a significant impact on a man's sex life, the effects were not always something the smokers would consider a "sexual health problem".

"The findings suggest that men are self-medicating with cannabis to delay orgasm," said Prof Smith from the Melbourne-based university's Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society.

"While many male smokers experienced sexual problems, they also reported more partners than non-smokers.

"Marijuana users were twice as likely to have had two or more sex partners in the previous year than men who didn't smoke cannabis."

The study took in more than 8600 people, aged 16 to 64, who were surveyed by telephone as part of the Australian Longitudinal Study of Health and Relationships.

Participants were asked whether they had used cannabis in the previous year and, if yes, their frequency.

Overall, 8.7 per cent said they had used cannabis in the last year, with twice as many men (11.2 per cent) in the positive compared to women (6.1 per cent).

People under 36 were more likely to smoke marijuana than older participants.

The research also found women who smoked cannabis daily were more likely to have had two or more sexual partners in the previous year.

They were also seven times more likely to have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection in the last year than non-smokers.,27574,26212796-29277,00.html


Wonder if any stimulus funds were used for the study?
MEN who regularly smoke cannabis may be prematurely stubbing out their sex lives, Australian research shows.

Men who smoked pot daily were found to be four times more likely to have trouble reaching orgasm than men who did not inhale, according to the La Trobe University study.

Other daily male cannabis smokers experienced premature ejaculation at nearly three times the rate of non-smokers.

Professor Anthony Smith says while the habit often had a significant impact on a man's sex life, the effects were not always something the smokers would consider a "sexual health problem".

"The findings suggest that men are self-medicating with cannabis to delay orgasm," said Prof Smith from the Melbourne-based university's Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society.

"While many male smokers experienced sexual problems, they also reported more partners than non-smokers.

"Marijuana users were twice as likely to have had two or more sex partners in the previous year than men who didn't smoke cannabis."

The study took in more than 8600 people, aged 16 to 64, who were surveyed by telephone as part of the Australian Longitudinal Study of Health and Relationships.

Participants were asked whether they had used cannabis in the previous year and, if yes, their frequency.

Overall, 8.7 per cent said they had used cannabis in the last year, with twice as many men (11.2 per cent) in the positive compared to women (6.1 per cent).

People under 36 were more likely to smoke marijuana than older participants.

The research also found women who smoked cannabis daily were more likely to have had two or more sexual partners in the previous year.

They were also seven times more likely to have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection in the last year than non-smokers.,27574,26212796-29277,00.html


Wonder if any stimulus funds were used for the study?

Yeah, I bet someone got it in the stimulus package. From what I have seen, Liberals are the biggest users of drugs of any kind.
"Marijuana users were twice as likely to have had two or more sex partners in the previous year than men who didn't smoke cannabis."

OH GOD! The horror! lol.

And that 8.7% figure sounds low, even for Australia.
Does anyone else think its odd that the two problems they named are at the opposite end of things?

First they said pot smokers were more likely to be unable to reach orgasm, then they say they are also likely to orgasm too soon.

I find that odd.
What exactly have you seen? Did you inform the authorities? I have to admit that I have limited experience dealing with liberals, or drug use, so the most drug use I have witnessed, which is little, was done by mostly by conservatives.

I doubt that my opinion on this is worth any more than yours is.

I thought I liked you. I probably still do, but this was a bullshit statement on your part.

Yeah, I bet someone got it in the stimulus package. From what I have seen, Liberals are the biggest users of drugs of any kind.
I'm here and I hate those first two NAZI's. LOL
You guys need answers, you come to the brother with a phd in THC and third degree black belt in bonghitzu!!!

Ahh the cool guys got more chicks, what next they'll come out with a report that HS quaterbacks get more chicks.
I can't argue the issue with a straight face as my better half says I kinda zone out when getting right with JAH. What I think is comically freakish is the kid who thinks burning tree is good for downhill skiing. Sonny Bono school of downhill I guess, maybe he means speed cause you forget the S turns.
I can tell you with first hand experience, it can make a pretty decent tennis player into a wiff artist in about 6 to 10 puffs.
I'm here and I hate those first two NAZI's. LOL
You guys need answers, you come to the brother with a phd in THC and third degree black belt in bonghitzu!!!

Ahh the cool guys got more chicks, what next they'll come out with a report that HS quaterbacks get more chicks.
I can't argue the issue with a straight face as my better half says I kinda zone out when getting right with JAH. What I think is comically freakish is the kid who thinks burning tree is good for downhill skiing. Sonny Bono school of downhill I guess, maybe he means speed cause you forget the S turns.
I can tell you with first hand experience, it can make a pretty decent tennis player into a wiff artist in about 6 to 10 puffs.

Correction, the cool guys got more stoned/inebriated chicks. Otherwise, decent points.