Sexual Congress

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This would say "Fap" in three dimensions if the board hadn't disabled more than one space in a single post before moving onto a character.
We'll just skip characters and move right on to figures:

I wouldn't mind having sexual congress with her....

I would engage her in multiple subcommittes of Congress:

Environment: How to plug the hole in the gulf, and spray stuff into it
Budget: Dig deep into the financial hole and pound out all of the kinks
Foreign Policy: Experiment with keeping rogue states up against the wall for extremely long durations
Diplomacy: Keep giving assistance to the needy. Especially when they are screaming for more, and are on the verge of needing a repreive.
Global Economy: Analyze bailouts of nations like Greece by pouring more and more juice into her engine.

Then, she and I would have multiple more of these sessions before Congress.

why am i not surprised watermark is thinking about sexual and congress in the same sentence....

It goes along with his thoughts about economists.