Shady characters seem drawn to President Donald Trump like mosquitoes to a swamp

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
It’s strange, really. You’d never expect a man who ran a perfectly legitimate fraudulent online university to be so felon-adjacent.

Who would have imagined that a wildly dishonest man who spent decades in the real estate and casino business might attract unsavory people?

Perhaps Trump, who promised he would hire only the best, is making sure his best people wind up incarcerated, allowing him to boldly reform the U.S. prison system — from the inside.
Virtuous people do not generally attract criminals and unethical people to be their friends, to work with them, to be their colleagues.

It really just does not happen.

That is one reason Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama's administrations, by presidential standards, were clean as a whistle.
I wonder if the ubiquitous criminality and corruption we see in many Republicans administrations of the last half century, speak to the lack of character and virtue in Republicans themselves? I leave it to the philosophers to debate.

If Trump was virtuous and righteous, he undoubtedly would not be attracting a coterie of criminals and ethically challenged miscreants to his orbit.
"By the ruler's cultivation of his own character there is set up the example of the course which all should pursue."

You have to give Trump credit.
He has a uncanny ability to hire the worse possible person for most jobs in his crime family administration.
His real estate empire is centered in big crooked blue cities like New York and Chicago. Of course he is surrounded by crooks. He lives and works in crookland.