Shakespeare & Einstein


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Twenty years of a failed United Nations war never took place in Insane Joe Biden’s dark world. The war he advocated when he was a senator is still a howling success in his tormented mind.


Tragically, there is a method in Biden’s madness. He truly believes that dozens of horror stories reported every day in every First World country's media will convince the American people that a revived United Nations coalition is the only way to save lives in Afghanistan.

Note that every news platform, including conservative social media websites, are fertilizing Biden’s psychosis. To me, it looks like media decision makers are drug-pushers conspiring to increase a dying heroin addict’s daily dosage in order to keep him alive rather than kill or cure.

Finally, Big Albert’s definition of insanity is one of the most overworked quotes known to man; nevertheless, he surely had Batty Joe Biden and everyone like him in mind when he said:

Twenty years of a failed United Nations war never took place in Insane Joe Biden’s dark world. The war he advocated when he was a senator is still a howling success in his tormented mind.

Tragically, there is a method in Biden’s madness. He truly believes that dozens of horror stories reported every day in every First World country's media will convince the American people that a revived United Nations coalition is the only way to save lives in Afghanistan.

Note that every news platform, including conservative social media websites, are fertilizing Biden’s psychosis. To me, it looks like media decision makers are drug-pushers conspiring to increase a dying heroin addict’s daily dosage in order to keep him alive rather than kill or cure.

Finally, Big Albert’s definition of insanity is one of the most overworked quotes known to man; nevertheless, he surely had Batty Joe Biden and everyone like him in mind when he said:

Yet here you are...DOING THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER AND OVER...and getting the same results.

People laughing at you.

Gotta wonder about that.

Shakespeare and Einstein are both popular names for household pets.

I've got Poppies on "ignore," but is he talking about that?
The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was aided and abetted by a shadow government in America

How Did The Taliban Know That The Joe Biden Afghan Surrender Was Coming?
By Judi McLeod
August 22, 2021

One slight disagreement with Judi’s great article.

The United Nations was never a shadow government. The United Nations is an ORGANIZATION that has the authority of a global government.

Twenty years of a failed United Nations war never took place in Insane Joe Biden’s dark world. The war he advocated when he was a senator is still a howling success in his tormented mind.

Lock Batty Joe in a rubber room is the most patriotic thing Jill can do:

. . . the most "patriotic thing Jill Biden could have done was tell her husband, to love her husband, and not let him run in this mental state that he’s in. … I think she failed the country as well."

Jill Biden's press secretary erupts over commentary critical of Joe
By Bob Unruh
Published August 23, 2021 at 2:07pm

Sew 1600 Pennsylvania Ave labels on all of Joe’s underwear in case he gets out is the most loving thing Dr. Jill can do:

I’m the problem.

I’m booked, George’s in October ;)

Tell us what’s bothering you?
I’m severely suffering from boredom.
Then why don’t you go and do something fun.
Hay! Now that’s a good idea.
This ch!t is stupid.

Don’t call me hun. I’m not a hun.

As earlier stated, both were from Central Asia, the Huns from the west, and Mongols had the east.
Notwithstanding, it worthy to note that while the Mongols were a united tribe under Genghis Khan
with one name that completely absorbed conquered states, the Huns were divided into clans that
went by their own names.
Tragically, there is a method in Biden’s madness. He truly believes that dozens of horror stories reported every day in every First World country's media will convince the American people that a revived United Nations coalition is the only way to save lives in Afghanistan.

I hate to admit it, but there is zero chance a sitting Democrat president will be impeached for anything. Even if Batty Joe resigns on his own, his replacement ——along with every U.N.-loving traitor —— will do everything they can do to portray the United Nations as mankind’s last best hope for a better world.

Army veteran Sean Parnell laid out the reasons he believes President Joe Biden should be impeached during an appearance on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday this past weekend, detailing step by step to host Matthew Boyle how the recent disastrous chain of events in Afghanistan was “all Joe Biden’s fault.”

Exclusive – Sean Parnell Makes Case for Biden Impeachment: He’s ‘Aiding and Abetting’ Terrorists in ‘Plain Sight’
by Ashley Oliver
13 Sep 2021

Finally, the stink Biden’s vaccine mandates is creating in media is a political strategy.

Bottom line: The whole thing is a masterful cover-up for deploying U.N. peacekeepers in Afghanistan. U.N. peacekeepers means the U.S. military.

The truth is: The New World Order crowd will get both.
Even if Batty Joe resigns on his own, his replacement ——along with every U.N.-loving traitor —— will do everything they can do to portray the United Nations as mankind’s last best hope for a better world.

Bottom line: The U.N. is paying the winners reparations for losing the war:

The Taliban has thanked the world for pledging more than a billion dollars in emergency aid to Afghanistan, and urged the US to show 'heart' by donating more.

Amir Khan Muttaqi, the regime's acting foreign minister, told a press conference the terror group would spend donor money wisely and use it to alleviate poverty.

He was speaking a day after the United Nations said a total of $1.2billion in aid had been pledged to Afghanistan, $64million of which came from the US.

The Taliban thanks America for $64million as part of $1.2BILLION international aid package but says the US should 'have a heart' as it pleads for more
September 14, 2021
Sixty four million dollars is a down payment:

The largest GOP caucus in Congress is demanding the Biden administration turn over documents on its humanitarian aid to the Taliban, arguing that the payments to the group while U.S. citizens remain in Afghanistan amount to "ransom."

The Republican Study Committee intends to investigate whether the administration's $64 million in humanitarian aid was conditioned on the release of evacuation flights by the Taliban, which swiftly reassumed control of Afghanistan amid President Joe Biden's unconditional withdrawal of U.S. forces.

House Republicans Seek Probe of Aid to Taliban, Likening It to 'Ransom'
By Eric Mack
Thursday, 16 September 2021 07:35 PM

The U.N. is paying the winners reparations for losing the war:

The United Nations will continue to pay Muslim thugs reparations long after every American returns to the U.S.