Shameful: Clinton let far more Iraqis to emigrate to U.S. than Bush does

No, no - you've got it wrong. According to O'Reilly, these people are supposed to stay in Iraq and "rise up" against the forces aligned against them to create a paragon for democracy in the Middle East.
Okay, got it.

Bush won't help the people that he caused so much misery, because he still wants to prove his decision to invade was the correct one. Letting a flood or refugees immigrate here, would undermine that fantasy.
In all seriousness, what Bush has & hasn't done w/ regard to Iraq are really beyond despicable. All Presidents worry about their legacy & base some of their actions on legacy-building; few, if any, in history have willingly allowed the continuation of so much death & suffering for the sole purpose of a better legacy.

The only thing we can hope for is that this in itself will be his legacy: a dangerously deluded President, who acted only in self-interest and completely without compassion or common sense....
I concur.

I too believe that bush is willing to let iraqi refugees live in misery, rather than let a flood of them into this country - because it would affect his legacy and make it look like his decision to invade was foolhardy.