Sharyl Attkisson's 25 Top Accomplishments of President Donald J. Trump


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those were all bad things, or things trump had nothing to do with but took credit for. fuck trump.

Don't feel like you are alone. Lots of Trump haters LOVE the feeling of being able to have a single individual who they can unreservedly hate with total reckless abandon.

I think that feeling is related to sports team rivalries.

We all can relate to the Dodgers vs Yankees or the Lakers vs Celtics or the Alabama vs Auburn pigskin rivalries.

You can be a normal, well adjusted person throughout the week.

But on certain days when YOUR team plays the HATED RIVAL'S TEAM, you can temporarilly abandon all sense of normalcy and moderation because, after all, the Joe Montana 49ers are playing the Tom Landry Cowboys!

Of course you hate the 'Boys'!

But you also love to hate them.

The nice thing about hating Trump is that you could hate him every day, all day and night, 24/7/365, year after year after year. Your entire world can be built around hating Trump and no one that you care about (i.e. Dems and others who are also into hating Trump) will ever think less of you. They will likely make a happy hating party with you!

It is a shared sickness, similar, I'd guess, to the fevered hatred Hitler was able to whip up among the German people and directed against the Jews.

I had a dog once, which LOVED to attack the vacuum cleaner so much, that when I pulled the upright out of the closet she would bark and turn in circles, her tail a-wagging.

She would bark at snap at the head and the bag or the bumper or the wheels. Anywhere she could.But when she got tired and the carpet was clean and I put it away, she went back to normal.

You'd never think she would act like that, but different things can have different effects on different people or animals.

In dogs, it is a natural reaction.

But for half of America to LOVE hating Trump as they do, so thoroughly and unhesitatingly and so passionately, is not natural.

Why has no one else in our living history been so reviled by so many Americans? But who has done more for America as Trump has? No one. How can so many feel this same kind of hatred and with the same zeal and passion without having been subjects of mind fucking media manipulation?