Shock ! Pocahontas is lying about her dear old dad

Brother not at all happy with her calling daddio a janitor.

Seems he was a maintenance worker.

Maintenance worker is often an euphemism for janitor. Another issue, how long was he in such an occupation vs. the impression Pocahontas gave?
Oh not a janitor, but a maintenance worker. how could she be so wrong? You are making this shit up.
A maintenance worker maintains and repairs the equipment and a janitor cleans the floors and toilets. BIG difference in job and big difference in pay scale also. No way she made a simple mistake. She is lying again and her brother objects to her lying about their father. She should be ashamed.

Why do you care, bitch?

A sanitation engineer is a garbage man. Cleaning swimming pools or floors. What’s the difference?
Good point why don't you ask why Warren felt compelled to lie about it. Perhaps it was to appropriate I was a poor child that has rose to the level of running for president of the US. She also appropriated the Native American culture when she felt it benefited her to do so.
Good point why don't you ask why Warren felt compelled to lie about it. Perhaps it was to appropriate I was a poor child that has rose to the level of running for president of the US. She also appropriated the Native American culture when she felt it benefited her to do so.
That seems to be the common schtick for her whole life.
Poor little squaw, daughter of a janitor, look at me now. She really didn't have to do this, look like a fraud. Advice to Pocahontas - just be yourself although it's too late.
Good point why don't you ask why Warren felt compelled to lie about it. Perhaps it was to appropriate I was a poor child that has rose to the level of running for president of the US. She also appropriated the Native American culture when she felt it benefited her to do so.

Jesus Christ, you sad fucks are laughably desperate.
A Trump*per complaining about someone lying? Hahahahaha !

That is not the point. we still hold other politicians responsible for their words. Trump is not one of them, but this is about Warren. They are arguing that she is lying because he was a maintenance man instead of a janitor, which is for some reason huge. If Trump said that we would ignore it, he is not judged by his honesty, we quit that long ago.
It is good that we still debate the words of other possible presidents. I was afraid that Trump made a presidents words meaningless, but after he is gone maybe we can return to proper judgments of politicians. I don't know how he described his job. I do not know if he referred to himself as a janitor. I also do not know why it matters so much. But at least we are judging honesty again.
That is not the point. we still hold other politicians responsible for their words. Trump is not one of them, but this is about Warren. They are arguing that she is lying because he was a maintenance man instead of a janitor, which is for some reason huge. If Trump said that we would ignore it, he is not judged by his honesty, we quit that long ago.
It is good that we still debate the words of other possible presidents. I was afraid that Trump made a presidents words meaningless, but after he is gone maybe we can return to proper judgments of politicians. I don't know how he described his job. I do not know if he referred to himself as a janitor. I also do not know why it matters so much. But at least we are judging honesty again.

I still like to point out the hypocrisy.
Oh not a janitor, but a maintenance worker. how could she be so wrong? You are making this shit up.

No, im quoting from a published article.
Maint workers fix thing, janitors clean things and take out the trash. Its skilked vs unskilled labor. Pocahontas wants people to think she came from more humble beginnings than she did. Kinda like pretending to be native american to get into college and get a job.